ONE- Club launch

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MIMI watched her brother unpack the boxes which contained most of her items. TJ didn't mind though, always having loved babying his twin sister. The two were still as close as ever, having just moved to Auckland Park. Their parents weren't much into the twins moving to their parents native country alone but when Sisi, their sister assured them she'd look out, they agreed. The two were still going to do it regardless , always doing whatever they wanted.
They were tired, more Mimi over nothing but still. It wasn't going to be hard for them to adapt to South Africa, always having visited both their parents families once or twice a year since they were born. Their father was here, having had an errand to run after making sure the house was secure. He didn't need to though, knowing how much trouble they'd get to in New York while messing with the wrong crowds. Their other father, Hugh, would bail them out most of the time but that never got them to stop. Their love for trouble is what made them hesitant about the move. Luhle Sr feared them ending up in trouble without Hugh to save them while Hugh feared them making the wrong enemies. They didn't care though, having each other's backs so no one would probably get to them. They had a lot of eyes on them, from their mom's associates and their big brother to their fathers.
“We should go party tonight!” Mimi screamed, putting her phone on her lap. She already had one in mind, having seen something on Instagram.
“Party?” TJ asked. He wasn't one to barge until he had details, something that irritated his replica most of the time. “ There's some...launch. Yep, it's some club launch,” she replied, looking into the picture of the party's poster she saved. It was something random she stumbled upon on her newsfeed.
“ Aight. I need to get laid,” TJ said while throwing his arse on the floor. He already had hoes this side, having had to cut off those in the states because he doubted he'd mess with them again. He got bored pretty easily, never sticking to one guy or girl. He swung both ways, something that always had his mother shouting at him about. No, she didn't mind him being bisexual but hated him being all over the place, fucking the wrong people's sons and daughters who'd threaten them. He was always in the gossip news, never for anything good. His business wasn't personal and that had nothing to do with growing up in the public eye either. He just loved attention, being noticed and everyone bowing at his feet.
“You had sex like... Before we came here. Can't you chill?” Mimi said, knowing the answer already.
“ It's creepy that you're keeping track,” the taller boy said with a raised eyebrow. He was only two inches taller than his sister but still reminded her whenever he deemed necessary, along with claiming to be older. Their parents never told them who came out first so TJ claimed to be the older and they let him. She only rolled her eyes.
“ Because it was my friend. I don't get why you can't respect the bro code,” Mimi said, frustrated. She'd lost count of the many people he'd fucked in her circle, the boy never caring because it was consentual. He never went for anyone his twin was interested in though so they never betrayed each other in that way. “No offense but you ain't my bro”
She huffed, smacking her lips together. Of course he didn't care even though he'd cost her yet another friend. “I actually liked her.”
He laughed, seeing the pout on her face which only irritated the shorter. Of course he thought it's a joke. “ I knew y'all was finna bump coochies soon”
She only clicked her tongue at that, getting up while doing a little stretch. She was about to get out of her room when they both had a car playing music loudly, already knowing who it was. They two raced out of the room like they were five, stopping when they were in the porch and waiting with big grins on their faces. It was Sisi, whom they'd missed since they hadn't seen her since the previous year. The older woman always drove a noisy car, never giving a damn that she was in a white neighborhood. Her rebellion was something she got from her father, a replica of the man like most of his kids. She got out of her G-wagon, smiling as she walked over to her little siblings.
“Babies!” she screamed as she pulled the two into a hug, suffocating the taller boy and girl. “i missed your hoe asses”
She finally let them go so they could breathe, placing a glossy kiss on their cheeks before stepping out of their personal spaces and staring at them.
“Y’all niggers keep getting taller,” she murmured.
“More like you keep getting shorter. How's you sis?” Mimi asked with a smile, happy to see her sister.
“I’m good, happy to see y'all but tell me, why the hell did you choose to stay in the burbs?” her nose was scrunched as she said, already seeing their neighbour out probably because of the loud car. How they heard each other through the loud music...
“Uh, because we're not ghetto like you,” TJ replied which had the older sucking her teeth. “Like acting all high and mighty, little hoe. Anyway, y'all down for a party? I'm throwing it!” the scream had the two covering their ears, which made the brown skinned girl roll her eyes. Her voice was squeaky, even worse when she screamed.
“Actually yeah. Mimi had some shit but we can do that. Ghetto parties are always the shit plus I'm looking to get lit,” the boy said and Sisi screamed again.
“Will you stop? Geez, making my ears bleed and shit”
She only rolled her eyes for the upteenth time, going into the house like she didn't have her car blasting music loudly. The twins followed her inside, the woman already digging through their fridge. If there's something she had in common with their big sis Ashanti, it was the appetite. Thankfully for her, their father had gotten someone to do their grocery, fridge already filled and so were the cupboards. The two were big junk fans but hit the gym more so their bodies were toned, something that drove guys and girls crazy. Unlike her replica, Mimi was strictly lesbian, never having looked at guys like that. Sure, she'd kissed a few in her puberty stricken years but she never felt anything from that. She only did it at the parties they'd sneak to, only doing because of spin the bottle and other drunk games she'd partake in.
Go shower or something . We're leaving in ten,” Sisi said with a mouthful of food, so unladylike of her. How she dated males when she was like that...

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