Twelve - Dumbfounded

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HE SIGHED once again as his phone took him to voicemail. He didn’t know how mad he was but knew he must be if he couldn’t reach him. It’s not like he’d decided to just drive all the way to Krugersdorp. His parents just decided him and his friends should come check the place out and they’d join them soon. Now the boys were topless, in the Jacuzzi while smoking on some hookah that’d dashed with weed.
“You good?” Loy asked Fire who nodded with his eyes fixated on his phone. “Words Fire,” he commanded making the younger look up at him and smile sheepishly.
“I’m good Loy, just that I can’t reach TJ. I’ve been trying him since yesterday but to no avail”
The older just looked at him, taking a puff of his blunt since he was not smoking the hookah with them. He knew about TJ but knew his friend more to know that he wouldn’t believe him if he told him. It was bad that he wanted him to see it for himself and hoped the younger wouldn’t be too in love when it does because it’d hurt him.
“You need to be careful,” Loy instead said. Fire looked at him, not really understanding where the warning was coming from but that look urged him to continue. “Don’t fall too hard for him. I don’t trust him. I don’t trust his intentions”
“Oh, me too. He’s the one Aly cheated on you with,” Syd added.
“What?” Fire quipped, unable to believe what he was hearing.
“Yes. I saw them with Ciara and Ntombi. I think they were all his girls. As much as I’m for y’all but just be careful. We want you to be happy but not for you to get your heartbroken”
Now he wasn’t sure. He knew they wouldn’t lie to him but he also believed TJ when he said he’d cut off all his hoes. Knowing that his ex and current had been together though was a little unsettling. He was with the man responsible for his failed relationship and he just didn’t know how to feel about it. He was going to ask him though, wanting to see if he’s an honest guy.
“OK, I can see you’re beginning to stress so how about a puff?” Loy offered his friend who took it eagerly. The blunt did help relax him and erase some of his worries.
Syd and Ludi seemed to sort of be in their own world. Ludi was on Syd’s lap and the two would share smoke every once in a while. Fire had previously been stressed to notice but now he wasn’t which had him fake gagging at the sight.
“Can’t we just chill as friends? Y’all are being extra now,” he whined.
“Don’t be jealous,” Ludi sang and kissed his boyfriend right after.
“Loy, let’s leave them be. Plus I’m hungry,” Fire said while getting up. Loy did the same while clearing his throat. The other two were just happy to be left alone. Ludi who’d previously been sitting with his back to Syd’s chest turned so they could kiss more freely. The kiss was broken by Syd as he felt the younger rubbing on him. It was too soon.
“What?” Ludi asked with a pant. The older shook his head.
“You’re turning me on and I can’t do anything to you,” he said.
“Why not?” Ludi quipped.
“Nah babe, you’re still a virgin and I don’t want you doing anything you’re most likely not ready for. Let’s get out, go shower or something”
He was already standing up with Ludi. He wrapped his towel around him and they walked out.
They went on the lookout for Fire and Loy when they were done, Ludi still blushing at how Syd had kissed all over his body in the shower.
They both halted at the end of the stairway, watching the two who seemed to be dancing.
“Now, you’re supposed to step forward when I go back with one foot then the other will go back and mine forward, get it?” Fire said and the older nodded. “Since you’re taller, your arm has wrap around waist and I’ll have my hand on your shoulder then these two will be touching. Ready?”
Loy nodded again. This time, the attempt was successful which had Fire cheering the older who only chuckled, shaking his head. “See? It’s easy”
“Thank you man,” Loy said. The two looked at each other for a bit too long than usual, none wanting to break the eye contact. It was like they were seeing each other for the first time, familiarizing one another’s features. Ludi nudged Syd who only smiled then cleared his throat.
“Are we interrupting something?” he asked while walking closer to the two who remained in the same position. They only broke apart after a few seconds and turned to their friends.
“I was teaching Loy a few moves,” Fire said.
“But he can dance,” said Syd. “Ah, ballroom?” asked Fire.
“Mm but I must have sworn you had a moment there. Need I remind you that you’re with TJ Fire and that Loy, Loy doesn’t do relationships”
“You’re blowing things out of proportion. We did nothing except practice,” Fire said.
“Mmmmmm,” Syd dragged. “If you say so. What are we eating?”
Exhausted didn’t come close to explaining how he felt. All the adrenaline was drained off him and all he needed was a hot shower. He’d went so hard that his dick was a, little painful and he had scratching marks all over his back. He stripped and went straight into the shower, turning the faucet to hot and letting the water gush over his body. It had been a long night for him, one he couldn’t believe happened. He had sex with two women like a starved animal. He only stopped when Ciara said she was too sore to continue and tapped out. He wasn’t one to force things so he drove back here. The water does sting on the scratches but is exactly what he needed. He remained standing with his head against the shower wall as he let the water wet him all over. When he was content, he stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry himself. A yawn escaped him, a clear sign that he needed some rest. His phone had long been dead so he put it on the charger and got in bed, letting sleep overtake him.
He was woken up by his sister who shook him vigorously.
“Damn, what’s gotten into you?” TJ asked while he rubbed his eyes, still tired. He sat up and looked at her. The woman had a hand on her hip, clearly not pleased. “OK, what’s up?”
“You’re even asking. Fire called me yesterday, asking where you are because he couldn’t get hold of you. What happened?” Mimi asked TJ who was still a little disoriented.
“Life happened,” he said.
“Life? That’s life which has you with markings over your body and those hickeys? How are you even going to hide that from him? This is exactly why I said you should stay away from him!” Mimi bellowed. All it did was give her twin a gruesome headache.
“There’s no need for you to scream,” he replied with a yawn.
“There’s every need! You’re playing him, a little recklessly at that. I actually thought you were going to change your ways for him!” she continued. “That boy loves you and he doesn’t deserve all this bull!”
“I was frustrated OK. I wanted him and he wasn’t here. You were hurting which had me feeling all kind of shitty and I needed some release. It was just sex,” he defended. That earned him a slap on the cheek. “What the hell?!”
“That’s nothing compared to what you deserve. It you’re not going to treat him right then let him go. Have you forgotten why he was single? He’ll leave you once he finds out,” she said then walked out of his room after clicking her tongue. At this point, she was ashamed to call him her twin.
The following morning, he woke up to prepare himself for school. He contemplated skipping but that also meant he won’t get to see him. It was the thought of seeing Fire that compelled him to get up and get ready. He found Mimi in the kitchen who was giving him the silent treatment.
“Really now? It was a mistake,” TJ tried pleading. Mimi scoffed. “A mistake? You weren’t drunk. You willingly went to that girl and did that with her. Not once did you think of Fire and how that would make him. Did you even use protection?”
“Of course I did,” TJ answered, feeling a little offended.
“Mm, that’s good,” Mimi said then left.
He didn’t feel like breakfast, only taking an apple then left. He still hadn’t touched his phone and only remembered its existence when he parked his phone in the school parking lot. The minute he got out, there was his boyfriend who had his arms folded to his chest and clearly upset.
“Babe...” TJ began but was cut off by the hand.
“Don’t you even. I get being mad that I left without telling you but to ignore me after? And oh, I called Mimi and even she had no idea where you were,” Fire spewed.
“Can we at least talk in the car?” TJ suggested. He opened the back door for his boyfriend who got in then he went in after. “I’m sorry. My phone has been off and even now, I forgot it.”
“Where were you?” Fire asked TJ who can barely maintain eye contact. Seeing his boyfriend now and with Mimi’s words ringing somewhere in the back of his mind, he’s engulfed by regret.
“I went out, got drunk and the rest is history,” TJ replies.
“Tell me, did you sleep with Aly?” Fire asked, needing him to confirm it.
“Who’s Aly?” TJ countered.
“My ex Aly. Rumour has it you’re the one she cheated on me with”
“Oh, Aly. But I had no idea she was yours and I did nothing she wasn’t game for,” TJ deadpanned.
“Mm, it’s fine. I have to go now, don’t want to miss my morning blunt,” Fire said, about to get out of the car. TJ stopped him.
“Am I not getting a kiss?” he asked, frowning when Fire shook his head. “I’m still mad at you. Besides, your lips are a little swollen”
He got out the car leaving him dumbfounded. He went to the driver’s seat and stared at his reflection on the rear view mirror, checking if indeed his lips are swollen. He cussed at that.
Fire found only Syd and Loy waiting.
“Where’s Ludi?” he asked.
“Uhm, he has... Period pains,” Syd mumbled.
“Pe... But that’s impossible unless he has a vagina,” said Loy. He was the only one in the group who didn’t know about his genital situation. The other two looked at each other and kept quiet. “Wait, he does?”
“Ah, yeah. We also just recently found out,” Fire answered.
“OH, makes sense,” Loy said while lighting his blunt.
“What is that supposed to mean?” asked Syd who clearly didn’t like what his friend had said. Loy only looked at him and took another puff of his blunt, loving how the smoke filled up his lungs. He exhaled it out then looked at him.
“He always went into the toilets and never peed at that little zinc. Obviously no one has seen his dick here. It makes sense,” Loy replied and shrugged.
“So, you check us out?” Syd asked, earning a cough from Fire. “And then? Oh, not you too”
The younger chuckled and shrugged. “I mean, it’s normal.”
“No! That’s real gaiety at its best. Anyway, I’m bigger right?” Syd said with a naughty grin. Fire only scoffed, taking the blunt from Loy. “Surely you don’t mean he is? I get that he’s taller and bigger than us all but...dang”
“I don’t think size matters though. As long as you can do the work then, sure thing,” said Fire with a shrug.
“Are you seriously talking about dicks?” asked Loy. The two just looked at each other then laughed.
Being at work knowing she’s there had to be the hardest thing for Mimi. She still wasn’t over what happened and had even deleted her sister’s number, wanting to cut her off because the pain was just too much for her. Sisi however had no idea why the younger was avoiding her. Whenever she’d come to the bar, Mimi would find a reason to disappear. It was like she didn’t want to be in the same space as her which bothered Sisi. Having had enough, she sent someone to go call her. That someone being her baby daddy. Since she was her boss, there was no way Mimi could have avoided.
“You called for me?” she asked, nose scrunched up in disgust. It was like she could still see them kissing and practically undressing each other like she wasn’t there. That only thwarted her heart and made feel even worse.
“Close the door and sit down,” Sisi ordered. With an eye roll the younger turned and did as she was told. She closed the door then sat at the chair opposite the older’s, sitting with one leg over the other. “What’s going on with you?”
Mimi scoffed. She was tired, tired of Sisi hurting her and dismissing her feelings. She’d lead her on then toss her aside like she never did. “You’re asking?”
“Yes, isn’t that obvious?” Sisi snapped. The younger scoffed again. “You’re what’s wrong with me! You don’t give a damn about me and my feelings don’t matter to you. I’m always doing what you want – going out of my way to please you but that ends up hurting me! Oh, I had to be happy that you’re pregnant and like that’s not enough, had to watch you kissing someone not even a minute after we’d kissed. How the hell do you think that makes me feel?!” she ranted. She felt lighter after having said that.
“Oh?” Sisi said, not knowing what else to say. She didn’t realize how bad her actions had affected Mimi. “I’m... Sorry?”
Mimi snickered. “You can toss it where the sun don’t shine!” she took off her apron. “And I quit! I’m done with you and I’m done with this fucken job. I don’t need you or it anyway!”
She walked out, banging the door on her exit and leaving Sisi dumbfounded.

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