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thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.

i appreciate each and every single one of you, whether you voted, commented or simply just decided to read it. your support truly means the world to me, thank you.

i think it would be so fucking cool if they would actually do a music video to 18. :) also, let me know what you think how the music video of 18 would look like. or don't, do whatever you want.

recently, one of my best friends came out to me as bisexual and of course i support them, but they lost a lot friends just because they're bi. so i'm gonna use this afterword to spread some love.

you're wanted. you're loved. you're needed. you're yourself and that's all that matters. no matter who you are or want to be, i support and love you! don't let anybody drag you down.

if you ever need to talk, then my dm's/pm's (whatever you want to call this on wattpad lol) are always open. if you just want a new friend, then i'll gladly be your friend. just text me and act like we've known each other since forever. :*

'once blue eyes' will be out the second this story is completed. :)

i've been writing on the story 'a louis to go, please!' for such a long fucking time and since sophiaxr91 has been waiting for this, i'm just gonna dedicate this whole ass book to you (if i ever publish it xD) mcr_lin too, so um yeah, the book is for you ladies. i feel bad for not tagging one of the most active readers, so tomlinsons-ukulele , i'm gonna dedicate this to you too. love u guys x

i'll stop bothering you now, have an amazing day! i love you and keep your head up, love. stay safe and don't forget to treat people with kindness and that black lives still matter! <3

since we were 18 » stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now