Jimin could not take it and lunged himself at the eldest member, "Jin-hyung, thank you".

"Alright, now that we are clear on this, any thoughts on how we should talk to our bunny?"

"Honestly, I thought you might have the solution for us, since you know, you are the leader and all." Taehyung said, with a sheepish look on his face.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I do not have any slightest idea at all. This is too—"

Namjoon's words were cut off as they heard the front door open. Everyone rose to their feet, looking towards the same direction where they desperately hoped would be their maknae coming home to them. And indeed, there he was, Jungkook standing slightly hidden behind Sejin. Their manager glanced past them until his eyes landed on Namjoon, gave him a stern look before ushering the poor boy to come out from his back. Without a single word, Sejin left the boys alone.

Again, no one said anything nor moved an inch. All of them were at a standstill.

After what felt like a lifetime, Jin sucked in a big breath, but before he could even say out the first syllable of his words, Jungkook brushed past them harshly, made a beeline to his room and slammed the door shut. The members chased after the maknae just in time to hear a "click", the indication of the door being locked.


"Jungkook-ah... Can you open the door? We just want to talk to you. Please, Jungkook-ah." Namjoon tried to coax but it was futile.

"Jungkook-ah, it's Jin hyungie ah. Can you open the door, please? We want to apologise to you. I know you are very upset, but could you give us a chance to explain ourselves? Please, Jungkookie?"

Still, silence was the only response to their pleas. Namjoon and Jin looked dejectedly to their members. The members took turns to say their pleas to their maknae but none of it worked. Finally, probably tired of the members' persistent talks, they got a reaction when Yoongi tried his attempt again.

"Jungkook-ah. It's me. Can you open the door? It is okay if you don't wish to talk, but can you at least let me in? I just want to make sure you are alright. I won't say or do anything if you don't want to. I promise I will just take a look and leave, okay? Bunny, please..."


Everyone's eyes lit up as they heaved a big sigh of relief and urged Yoongi to enter. Sucking in a deep breath, the eldest rapper turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door. It was pitch dark in the room and it would have been extremely easy to miss out the little fidgeting lump hidden underneath the bed comforter if not for having sharp eyesight.

Yoongi dared not move too fast for fear of shattering the fragile atmosphere in the room, not even switching on the lights, only letting the remnants of lights from the living room to shine through the door. The members trailed behind slowly, ready to leave if their maknae decides that their presence is unwelcomed.

However, Taehyung could care less as he could not bring himself to watch his dongsaeng being so upset. He was the first to reach the maknae's bed and as he stretched his hand out and placed it on the lump, he snapped it back almost immediately when he felt Jungkook flinched at his touch.

Jimin placed a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder and moved forward instead.

"Jungkookie... Are you okay?"


"Jungkook-ah... Can you hear me? I know Yoongi-hyung said we are not going to say or do anything, but can you hear us out? We just want to make things right."

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