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Entering the city, Artorias saw the normal looking houses and roads, people were out doing their stuff, while children were playing, seeing the children play bring ed a smile to his hooded face, it brought him many memories of his youth. Walking around the city, many people started staring at him, it was obvious why they were staring at him. They never saw an armor so worn out, and his abnormal height brought many more stares, he did not care about the stares, he just wanted to find a place we're he could hire himself. Fortunately, he found a adventurer guild that would give people quests to defend and gather for the client.

He could barely even get through the small door, he went to the receptionist and asked her if he could become an adventurer. He was accepted and given his first quest, he needed to defend a father and his children until they got out of the forest, simple enough.

An hour later he went to meet his client. His client was a man that looked a to understand 40 with his children. The children were a female and a male, the boy was around 10 and the girl around 14. The client was a little scared about the wolf knight, but after some time he warmed up to the knight. The boy was fascinated about the knight carrying his enourmes sword with one hand and his height. Chuckling the knight told everything the boy wanted to know about him, besides his darker past. The boy finally stopped asking me questions after his big sister grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the carriage.

The father had loaded up all of the supplies they needed, he even picked a little more supplies for the knight.
The kids jumped on the carriage and Artorias stood next to the carriage, the father was in front of the carriage, leading the horses.

They left Lescatia and went on a dirt path in the forest. In the forest everything went smoothly. The children were playing in the back of the carriage, the father was in the front conducting the horses and Artorias was alongside the carriage. He could easily keep up with the carriage because he was very tall. Nothing really happened along the way until a group of ogres came out of the woods. The father and his children were frightened until the knight stepped up in front of the carriage, between the ogres and the family.

"Well, look what we have here! A knight and a man with his family!" said an ogre. The ogre that talked didn't look like the other ogres, this one was taller and had a different skin tone, she was probably a higher one.

"Hey child." the knight said

"P-please tell me you have a plan sir knight!" the boy said fearfully

"Of course I have a plan, but please, don't be alarmed if you see me hurt, alright?" Artorias said smiling to the child, not visible because it was behind his hood

The knight unsheathed his great sword and moved forward towards the ogres. He fell to his knees, some sort of mist came from inside his cloak, after that a howl combined with a scream was heard from the knight

The family and ogres backed in fear after hearing his battle cry, after his scream he rushed towards the ogres. The ogres, scared for their lives fled to the woods. After the ogres left, mist stopped coming from underneath Artorias. He rose up and sheathed his great sword back on his back. The family was frightened beside the boy.

"That was so cool!" the boy said

*timeskip until night*

At night, Artorias managed to get back to Lescatia, only to find out that he cannot reserve a room an the inn. He was to big for their rooms. And so he decided to go sleep in the nearby forest.

*somewhere else*

??? was thinking

???:"Is it something bothering you my mistress?" a hellhound asked her mistress

???:"You heard it as well Helena, the howl."

The hellhound known as Helena responded "Yes, I heard it as well, but I thing it is only a wolf, even though it sounded a little human."

???:"My team of ogres came back with bad news they said."

Helena:"Did the order spot them?"

???:"No. They met the owner of the howl."

Helena:"Wait, so you tell me that the howl we had heard was a man?!"

???:"Please Helena keep your tone down, and yes, the howl belongs to a human. The ogres said that they thought he wasn't even human at first, but he presented spiritual energy. They described to me that the knight was extremely tall, at least one meter higher than a ogre. He had extremely ragged and worned armor, with a great sword in his back that he could easily lift with one hand. The leader of the ogres said that some dark mist came from inside of the armor, after that he kneeled and let out the bloody howl, the ogres were to scared to do anything and so fled back to the base."

Helena:"Then he is a treat. Can we somehow dispatch of him?"

???:"A kunoichi said to me that the knight rests in a forest near Lescatia, I want so send you and a few more mamono to subdue him, if you are up to the task."

Helena:"Of course I am mistress, I will make the knight kiss at your feet!"

???:"Alright Helena, and please, don't let anyone get hurt or hurt the knight."

Helena:"Yes mistress Druella."

Then she left

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