Twenty Three

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When we were out of the building, I took a sigh of relief. Mom's questions were very annoying, Hoseok was quick to answer them but he looked uncomfortable.

"I don't understand your mother, sometimes she is so strict and sometimes she changes into a whole new person," Hoseok said

I have failed to understand her personality. It's like she is different around me and different around Dad. it got worse as I grew up, Dad always says that she is his ideal woman maybe that's the reason Mom doesn't express herself much. The things a mother-daughter does! I have never experienced them.

This was not something I would like to discuss, it will only make my life more questionable.

"Never mind that! What was that about?"  I said casually.

"What" How come He is always so clueless

"That 'dating' thing" let me clear things up now

"Oh that, nice save right" his expression was not convincing at all.
Was that supposed to sound cool?

what the heck. I have the sudden urge to punch him in the face. why is he confusing me?

"I was surprised to see you all dolled up" Hoseok scanned me again from head to toe.

Ugh !!!!!!

"I was just bored so I thought of trying something new" I came up with the most unrealistic excuse

"Really? Unlike you but you look good"

what's the use of complimenting me now when I am already feeling uneasy about everything?

My girl pride was severely damaged so
I decided that I would never make wrong assumptions because they only embarrass me and I also decided that when I meet Tae tonight I would wear my casual self as usual.

No need to try hard for nothing.
He is smiling but he doesn't look happy.

When we reached the theatre there were two new releases
The kissing date and Attack of the Dead

"The kissing date  is a romantic and cute story, it's quite famous," Hoseok said
Romantic! Spare me the romance, it's not my cup of tea ......not anymore.

"Let's watch Attack of the Dead," I said flatly, I wanna be as much away from lovely things as much as I can

"Are you sure? It's horrific"

"Are you scared?" I asked jokingly

"We'll see who is scared"

He had a judgemental look
Finally, we decided on Attack of the Dead.

He was so right, it was a horrible movie. Why do people make such things? The scenes were unbearable to watch, they were gross as well.
There was a very little audience and I can tell why.

Hoseok was having no trouble in watching this wearing and tearing but
So far my first experiences were not going well
I was trying my best to hide the fear until a scene came where the dead creatures were pulling the heart out from the living to feast.
I immediately squinted my eyes and looked away, I was still hearing the sounds of flesh ripping when Hoseok covered my ears, I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Who's scared now," he said with a mocking smile.

Well okay you win and I lose

I took him by the wrist and pulled him with me out of the theatre.
It felt like escaping hell.
The fresh air felt better.

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