What do you mean you know him?

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Shuna POV:
I ran toward where the village almost ended and found rimuru ordering workers which part goes where on the aqua ducts.

"Rimuru?" I asked to see if he was ok
"Oh Shuna..-"

He fell over , cleary tired and caught him in my arms.

I walked toward the aid centre where it was very crowded, Shion walked past and forcibly asked to take Rimuru . She stated I spent much more time then she did with Rimuru so far which is absurd!

I placed him Down on a bed and let a goblin nurse tend to him.

"Rimuru doesn't need sleep does he?"
"Hmm, what about when using up his magicules ?"
"Well yes then he does rest ,"
"Do you know when he could of used them?"

She asked me various questions and it made me dizzy.

Sota POV:

It was so blurry.
Where am I?
I died didn't I?
How did I di-
The memories flooded back to me too quickly.

The flashing lights, the train, somebody pushing me..

I woke up on sweat.
"This isn't my bed.."
I looked around me , surrounded by monsters .

I probably shouldn't of screamed but I couldn't help it.
There was a slime on the bed next to me. Weird.

"You seem fully healed from your fall, can I ask how you fell from the sky?"

"Huh? Fly?fell?" I was so confused I didn't even notice who I was talking to.

I looked up to where I heard the voice and a... goblin? Looked down on me with kind eyes.

There was a suddenly a huge movement in the air and a boy? Girl? It had blue hair stood at the end on my bed.

"I'm Rimuru the leader of this village , I'm not a bad slime!" I looked to where the slime was on the bed next to me. It wasn't there.
I know that line..
It was from a video game, I never played it.

I looked up to it "this isn't Japan is it?"

He smiled , " YOU WERE REINCARNATED TOO?!?" You zoomed toward my face too closely

"You look familiar,"
"I-I do?" I responded

The Great Rimuru ?!?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang