Chapter 6

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Tod and Vixey seemed to have really bonded, as their romantic connection with each other grew stronger. Vixey helped Tod adapt to the ways of the woods by teaching him the necessary skills to survive. They had even built a nice little burrow for themselves to live in. 

The chickens were happy for the fox couple. And seeing that Tod was now safe, they figured it would soon be time for them to leave. But unkown to them all, a familiar hunter and hound dog were close by plotting their revenge. 

The chickens were over by Tod and Vixey's burrow, watching the fox couple come out ready to start a new day together. 

"What a beautiful morning, Vixey" Tod said, looking to the female fox he had fallen in love with. "You know, I've never been happier"

"Oh, Tod, me too" Vixey smiled back at the male fox. 

Ginger and the others soon came up to the fox couple. 

"We can see you two are really hitting it off" Ginger adressed the fox couple. 

"Yeah" Tod smiled to the British hen. "Isn't it great?"

The chickens couldn't seem to hide the expressions on their faces as they now looked a little sad. 

Rocky came up to Ginger, placing his wing around her shoulder as he looked at the fox. "Well, now that things have worked out... We'll be leaving soon"

Tod gasped, now being sad. "Do you have to?" He looked to his bird friends. 

The chickens all faced the ground, not saying a word. Although they didn't want to admit it, they couldn't stay here in the forest. This wasn't their home. 

"Won't you at least join us for a morning stroll?" Vixey offered them, hoping they'd say yes. 

The chickens all looked at each other, then Ginger and Rocky notcied their chicks had pleading eyes. How could they say no to one last walk with their fox friends. 

Ginger soon turned to the foxes and nodded with a smile. "Sure..."

Tod and Vixey both smiled, glad to have them coming along. 

The gang all started walking along down the forest path together, as the chickens watched Tod and Vixey go on ahead, playfully chasing each other. They soon came upon a shadowy path, when the chickens noticed Vixey stop, looking nervous. 

"Tod?... Tod wait a minute" She said. 

"What is it, Vixey?" Tod looked to the female fox. 

"I don't want to go in there" Vixey said, showing a hint of fear. "It's too quiet"

"Yeah, and not the good kind of quiet" Ricky added. The rest of the chickens nodded in agreement. 

"Oh, you guys" Tod shrugged it off and proceeded to go in. 

The flock frowned, not liking the idea of Tod going in there alone. 

"I don't like the looks of this" Ginger said, getting a bad feeling. 

"Aye hen, there's something strange going on here" Mac agreed. 

"We'll go with him" Rocky volunteered before turning to his brother-in-law. "Right Nobby?"

"What?!" Nobby eyes widened, looking scared. But then he noticed the others give him those 'really' expressions. After all, Tod was their friend. 

"Uh... Yeah. That's right!" The young British rooster suddenly puffed out his chest, attempting to look brave and strong. "I don't even know the meaning of the word fear"

Ginger and Rocky meet the Fox and the HoundWhere stories live. Discover now