Chapter 3

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The next day, Copper was shown to have been tied up so he couldn't wander off anymore. The poor pup sighed, looking miserable. 

Tod and the chickens soon appeared out of the bushes, having come to see why Copper didn't come to play with them today like he'd promise. 

"There he is" Mac said. 

"Hey, Copper, what happened to ya?" Tod asked his best friend, coming over. "Why didn't you..."

The chickens and fox all came over seeing that poor Copper was tied up. 

"Golly! You're all tied up" Tod gasped. 

"It appears you have been fenced in, laddie" Fowler said to Copper. 

"Yeah, and it's no fun either" The hound puppy frowned. "My master says I gotta stay home"

"That's a bummer, kid" Rocky frowned, feeling bad for the puppy. 

"Why? We can just play around here then" Ricky suggested. 

"Yeah!" Tod laughed and started tackling Copper. 

"I don't see a problem with that" Nobby shrugged, watching the kids play with the rest of the adults when Ginger cleared her throat. 

"Have you forgotten one very important detail?" The British hen asked her brother, gesturing over towards the older dog in the barrel next to Copper's. 

"We can't play" Copper told his friends, before gesturing over to Chief. "Not with old Chief over there"

The chickens all looked towards Chief who was asleep in his barrel with his back end sticking out. 

"Is that him making that awful noise?" Etta asked. 

"He keeps me awake at night" Copper admitted. 

"I didn't know tails could snore" Babs said. 

"They don't, dummy" Bunty told the clueless hen. "That's just his back half"

Babs gasped. "They cut off his front half!?"

Bunty groaned. "No! Although, this is probably his better half" The red hen admitted. After all, that half of Chief couldn't bite them. 

Tod started to approach Chief, being curious. 

"Tod, what are you doing?" Rocky asked nervously.

"Oh, don't go in there!" Copper warned the fox. "He can get awful mean! He's cranky" 

But Tod didn't listen. He came inside the barrel getting a good look at Chief. "Gee whillikers, is he ever big" 

The chickens peeked inside the barrel, watching the fox. 

"His ears aren't as big as yours, Copper" Tod commented. 

"That's not the part you gotta worry about" Copper whispered to his friend. 

Tod then pulled down Chief's lips, seeing his shiny sharp fangs. "Wow! Look at those teeth"

"Let me guess, that's the part you gotta worry about?" Etta turned to Copper. 

"Mmm-hmmm" Copper nodded to her. 

While the chickens were examining Chief from outside the barrel, there was something they couldn't get off their minds. 

"Does anyone else get a strange feeling about this dog?" Bunty asked the rest of the flock. 

"Aye," Mac nodded, staring at Chief. "He sure looks vaguely familiar"

Just then, Chief started stirring and mumbling in his sleep, alarming the gang. 

"He's waking up!" Copper gasped. 

Ginger and Rocky meet the Fox and the HoundWhere stories live. Discover now