Chapter 1

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"Face it guys, we're lost" Bunty's voice said. 

We are shown Ginger, Rocky, and the rest of their flock all together as they were revealed to be somewhere in a thick dark forest. And it clearly seems they have lost their way. 

"Well it's not my fault" Rocky defended before pointing to Nobby. "Nobby was incharge of the map"

"I gave it to Babs" Nobby said. 

"Oh, that was a map?" Babs asked while knitting. "I thought it was a napkin"

"Rule number 1 in my RAF days, you never go anywhere without a map!" Fowler remarked. 

"What is it with men asking for directions!?" Bunty then blurted out in annoyance.

The whole flock was soon in a frenzy and the arguing was nonstop. 

"I think the mainland is that way" Rocky pointed east. 

"What do you know about directions?" Nobby scoffed at his brother-in-law, pointing west. 

Babs simply smiled in all the chaos, as the clueless hen stated. "This has to be my favorite holiday out of all the holidays we've taken"

"Would you all just shut up for two minutes!" Ginger yelled to her flock, showing that their constant aruging was giving her a headache. 

The gingered leader then felt someone clucthing onto her leg and looked down to see her son Ricky. 

"Mommy, when are we going to get out of this creepy forest?" The young chick was clearly scared. 

"According to my calculations, we should've headed east back at those mountain peaks, then turned left at that creek" The Scottish hen of the flock, Mac, stated. 

Just then, Etta got everyone's attention as she pointed north. "Hang on, I see a clearling up ahead"

The flock all looked up seeing light up ahead and an opening leading out of the forest. They all rushed towards it before sheilding their eyes, coming out of the forest and were relieved once they found a road that would surely lead them to the mainland. 

"Nice work, sweet pea" Rocky smiled to his daughter, ruffling Etta's head feathers. 

The gang didn't have to travel far as they soon stubbled upon some farmland. It was a nice little piece of property with a small yellow house and a big red barn. 

Bunty smiled. "Hmm. This looks promising"

"Who cares about that. Just tell me where the food is" Nobby said, being hungry. 

The gang started having a look around the grounds until Ginger lifted her head up as something caught her attention. 

"Wait a minute... did you guys here that?" She asked her flock. 

The others lifted their heads, soon hearing what Ginger was hearing. It sounded like a dog barking in the distance. The barking continued getting louder and louder when suddenly, they saw it appear out of the tall grass. 

"A FOX!" The adult chickens gasped, their bodies all suddenly ran cold. 

Rocky immediately got infront of his family. Glaring towards the fox with his feathers ruffled out, ready to protect them. But the fox didn't appear to look dangerous at all. In fact it was a female. And a mother!

The chickens watched the mother fox leave her kit by the fence post before running off as the dog chased after her. The chickens were just able to make out the dog as it ran by in a blur. It appeared to be an old gray Irish Wolfhound with a red collar. 

Ginger and Rocky meet the Fox and the HoundDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora