For Me

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Of you, you never think
As an ocean of thoughts about me makes you sink
You'd get me everything I need
Before I even get a chance to blink

So many sacrifices you have made
Just for my happiness to find its way
So hard you work
For me to sleep peacefully everyday

You taught me how to walk
Made me strong enough to build my path
You are ready to listen every time I talk
You know what I want even before I ask

You spent your free time taking me to classes
While you could have spent them
Having fun for yourself
You've always put me first

You smiled for me
When pain stringed you like a bee
You play with me
Even when you're tired and want to sleep

You are the pillar
Which makes me stand
If I am a plant
You'd be the soil on the land

You'd trade your happiness for mine
You'd do anything to make sure I am fine
I am blessed to have you in my life
For your love has no limits, no end line

How can anyone be so selfless?
Put others before themselves?
No one measure how blessed I am
To call me a daughter of yourself

I am the most luckiest daughter
For I have you as my father
With you by my side nothing's a bother
I love you so much, far than farther.

- Nandhika Vardhini

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