I'm the Short Demon Loser from Hell, not Gorgeous

Start from the beginning

It was the smile that had gotten me to hate him for the past six years.

"Oh?" he asked. He arched an eyebrow, daring me to respond. It was just like back then, how he would call me names and bring me down in public. Logan Cross would then smirk at me, knowing dang well that I couldn't pick on him, or else risk the fury of every single one of my peers.

"Then I seem to be mistaken," he said. "But I believe that a certain someone had been roaming the halls today, searching for me."

I resisted the urge to groan angrily. Alfred, if you were one that sought him out, three points for you. But you did not have to tell him that I had been acting like a lost puppy without him today.

"I know you want me here," he said. "Don't deny it, princess."

Well, if I hadn't wanted him around before, I did now. So I had a thing for overly confident guys. Sue me.  And I had no clue about how to respond to it. I couldn't find it in me to come up with a witty retort that would start another endless verbal battle.

Then I went low. It wasn't nice of me, and it was incredibly childish, but I knew it was the one thing he couldn't fight against.

"Your attitude needs some checking," I said between gritted teeth. I was shaking inside, courtesy of the heated look he gave me. "Should I call your mother?" Quickly, I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.

Logan narrowed his eyes, not pleased with where the conversation had turned. His mom favored me. Just like Alfred did with him. Anything I said against Logan was held against him, and I smiled wryly.

"Put the phone down, Sparrow," he snapped. "There's no need to bring my mother into this."

"Actually, there is. I haven't talked to her in a while. She'll want to know what's up between me and you. Oh! How would she react if she knew that you were intruding into my personal space, Cross?"

I pressed dial and smiled evilly, pressing the phone to my ear. Logan must've still thought that I was bluffing through the whole thing, so I put it to speaker. His golden eyes widened in horror as he grasped the fact that I wasn't joking.

"Hello?" his mother's voice sang out. Reggae music played sweetly in the background. "Park, is this you?"

"Hi, Caterina!" I greeted loudly, hoping she could hear me over the music and the chatter in the background. "I was just calling to let you know about an issue with your son's behavi--"

Logan cut me off before I could finish that sentence. His hand was around my phone and had thrown it on the bed. In an instant, I was pinned against my wall and the door slammed shut. I found myself glaring into Logan's equally irritated pupils.

"What are you, a five-year-old?" he snorted. "Why did you call my mother?"

"I'm a kid?" I snarled. "Look who's the one who won't leave my room!"

"And who's throwing a tantrum about it?" he said slyly, smiling darkly as defeat easily overtook my prevously rebellious expression.

"Fine," I said, giving in. He was in an arguing mood--and trust me, arguing with Logan Cross when he's actually in the mood for a debate is not smart. Logan smiled triumphantly. Ruffling my hair quickly, he then ran back to the desk before grabbing his plate and hopping onto my bed.

I guess I was being childish. It was a Park thing--I disliked people in my room. I joined Cross for dinner, both of us silently munching on the fettucini noodles with flavored shrimp and vegetables. Neither of us spoke for a while, since I was still bitter about him being in my room and he was enjoying his victory.

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