Chapter 4

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I quickly realized that things weren't as great as I thought. 

To be honest, I didn't expect news to travel so fast, but it wasn't surprising. The villagers are world-renowned gossipers after all, and the habit of judging people based on the smallest preconceptions is something I realized they do a lot. 

I was used to the hate they sent my way, but this time, it was different. Stronger.

"They probably know what happened to Sasuke."

'And they blame me.' I sighed, 'As usual.'

Kurama harrumphed at this. I chuckled, 'Ah, lighten up, you dumb fox.'

"I wouldn't lighten up if I were you. Watch your back. You don't know what they'll try."

'Hell, what do they think I did? From what I know, no one in the village aside from some stupid fangirls in our class really care about Sasuke as anything more than "the last Uchiha." Besides, I saved him. And I got hurt too!'

Kurama growled, "You know they don't care. In fact, just the notion that you and Sasuke, a Konoha shinobi and the last of his clan, had a fight is enough for them to label you as a monster. They'll jump at any chance to bring hate upon you."

I sulked. 'Jeez. No need to be so harsh...'

"Just giving you a reality check. It's the truth and you know it. If you aren't careful, these villagers could be the death of you. I'm trying to keep you alive, dammit!"

I smiled softly at him, keeping that rare smile to myself. It was a smile I only gave to Kurama and a few special people. Nothing like my big signature grin. This smile was real.

Suddenly, I heard the whiz of an object being thrown, and I just barely managed to dodge a wooden spoon that had been thrown by one of the shopkeepers. 

I was just passing by...

The man yelled at me to get lost, nothing I hadn't dealt with before, but then, most of the other people in the vicinity joined in. Soon I was dodging flying objects left and right, before I had to take to the rooftops to avoid them. 

"That was a bit overdramatic."

'Tell me about it...' I glanced back. They were screaming insults at me, things like "monster" or "brat." But only one word caught my attention.


I gritted my teeth and kept leaping across the rooftops, but soon, more and more people were chanting it. Then everyone was saying it. Every time I passed by, every turn I took, more and more people were saying over and over.


You're nothing


a demon.

That word. Did they have any idea what they were saying? Just how deep those two syllables could cut?

They labeled Kurama a demon. Sure, he may have attacked the village, and there was no way of anyone knowing he was being controlled, but it was because Madara Uchiha controlled him and the the First Hokage imprisoned him that he was even a threat in the first place. No one had ever given any thought about the Bijuu's feelings. Then they got mad when the Tailed Beasts fought back. Idiots.

They labelled me a demon. Had no one ever told them that I was the Kyuubi vessel, not the fox himself? No one bothered. No one.

The villagers are the ones who relentlessly harassed a boy who had done nothing to them. The villagers are the ones who never gave a second thought about what they were doing, or that it might be wrong. The villagers, who immediately decided that they knew exactly who I was because of a couple rumors and accusations.

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