Kokichi's Genderswap 🍋

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Kokichi's POV:

I walked down the hall to get back to my room, But to my luck, I ran into Himiko and Tenko.

Before walking passed them, Tenko shouts "Stay away, you lying degenerate male!"

I justed rolled my eyes.

"Is that all you have to say to us males?" I asked.

"That's none of your business!" Tenko covered Himiko, for "protection".

"You know what Kokichi? I'm going to use my magic on you for being so annoying." Himiko said.

"Wait, what?"

Before asking, Himiko says something random under her breath and does something with her hands.

I just rolled my eyes and walked away from the foolishness that was going on in front of me.

I got back to my dorm and something didn't feel right. My chest felt heavier, And my hair was longer than usual.

I ran to my bathroom and saw that... I WAS TURNED INTO A FEMALE!

(A/n the picture at the top is what Kokichi looks like)

This is bad! This is bad! Shuichi was suppose to come to my room later to hang out.

"Damn it! Out of all these days, why today?!"

I felt pissed off but I couldn't go downstairs to get my lunch, I didn't want anything to see me like this.

I sighed and hoped something good would happen.

*Knock knock*

I jumped. I kept on praying to myself that it wasn't Shuichi at my door.

I ran to my door and opened it slightly. Not to my surprise, Shuichi was at my door

"Kokichi? Is everything ok? You weren't at lunch so I came to get you." Shuichi asked concerned.

"I-I'm fine, Saihara-Chan. I'm not feeling hungry."

My voice sounded like a female and I hoped he didn't realize it.

"Kokichi? Are you sure your ok? Your voice is kinda o-"

"I-I'm Fine Saihara-Chan. I gotta go, so! See you later!"

I slammed the door in his face and sat in front of the door felling guilty.

"Damn... I hope he's not upset for my rudeness" I thought.

I sighed to myself feeling guilty, until there was another knock on the door.

With an annoyed sigh, I opened the door to see my best friend Rantaro at the door.

"Hey there Kokichi. Is everything alri-"

I pulled him into my room and locked the door behind him. He took a good look at me and then his Jaw dropped.

"Kokichi? Your a girl?!" He asked.

I sighed. "I wasn't always. Himiko put a stupid spell on me and turned me into this."

"Oh, I see. Did you tell Shuichi yet?" Rantaro asked

"Uh, no. I kinda... slammed the door... In his face. I was nervous that he would find- OUCH!"

Rantaro pulled my ear giving me a shameful look.

"Kokichi! You probably hurt his feelings doing that!" Rantaro said displeased.

"I know, I know. Do you think that you could call him into my room for me? I don't want people to see me as... This." I asked politely.

Rantaro gave me a sigh of disappointment and then nodded.

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