IG Post

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" Huh? "

Scrolling through his phone when that notification came up.

' what did he post this time '

Gun said to himself. He didn't remember anything that is needed to be posted?
Well Off Jumpol will just post something related to work or some sneek peaks of their future work or His future work. Gun randomly click the notification coz he knows it's just some random photos that his Papii most likely feel to post.

Gun's eyes grew wider, as soon as he saw the post

" He shouldn't have post this too soon! "

Off Jumpol just posted a pic of him during the take of ' Friend Drive ' GMM hasn't announce something regarding to that show so why Off posted it?

' Did the management know about this? '

Well it's not Gun's concern coz it's not his show but his Papii will surely need to face the crew tomorrow and Gun can't contain his laugh just by imagining it.

[ Calling Off...]

" Haha I'll make sure you're screwed tomorrow Papii "

Gun then heard that his Papii answered the phone

[ Hello ]

' Papii! '

[ oh what do you need-- What are you laughing at? ]

Fortunately Gun really can't contain his laughter so he immediately laugh once he heard Off's voice

' Papii! You posted something you shouldn't posted!! '

Gun said between his laughs. Actually he kind of liked the photo but he's too happy on what will happen tomorrow that he doesn't care about how he feels FOR NOW.

[ what photo? Stop laughing! ]

Gun still can't hold his laughter, and he can clearly hear the irritated voice of his Papii. And he can also imagine his face.

' the photo you just posted on IG~ '

Gun said in a sing-song voice feeling happy while teasing his Papii

' You're screwed tomorrow you shouldn't posted that photo the Company hasn't even announce something about your show '

[ oh that? I know. I just wanted to show someone something ]


Now Gun is confused

' you should have sent to that person that photo, no need to post it '

[ it's needed ]

' ok? '

[ is that all? I have some work to do now. I thought you'll said something important ]

Gun smiles to himself coz he can imagine Off's face while saying it, problematic and stressed out face 😅

' ok ok bye bye '

[ bye bye ]

Gun's the one who ended the call coz His twitter notification is ringing like crazy.

The fans tag something again~

He's not irritated with it or something in fact those tagged post makes his stress on work, at least go away for a minute.
Babii's tag him with some funny meme or some post that is funny or related to GMM.
But today that's not the case. When he click the tags.
He doesn't know how to feel. But a small-- no BIG smile come across on his face

" ahh~ that's why it is needed~ "

Gun said out of the blue ,while seeing the tags. It's a screenshot of an IG account.

It's his partner before on a movie. Who just posted their Kiss Scene on His IG.
Gun immediately visit his old partners IG but there's no trace of it?
He deleted it?

He said to himself. But why? Then he click his twitter again and saw some of the comments of the Babii's.

He's not happy with it but at the same time he can't say anything to it coz it will make things worst.

So it's good just too keep quiet about this.
But after feeling guilty about his old co-worker now he can't help but to smile to himself.

" Is Papii jealous? "

What ever the reason is, he's happy with what his Papii did.

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