Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"I mean I can't argue with them, can you?" She giggled bouncing Nashie in her arms. I just huffed and Luke decided it was play time and he squished my cheeks together making me blow a raspberry much to all four of our kids delight. 

"What? Natsu actually admits someone is stronger than him?" I hear Gray whisper to someone. 

"Just how strong are they now?" I hear Erza whisper back. 

"Hey I know why don't we let the S class mages join us?" Luce practically yells out like the idea just caught her attention. 

I can't help laughing, I'm laughing so hard I let Wendy take Luke from me so I didn't have to worry about either him getting hurt or Luce hurting me. I feel as if my sides are splitting open. Luce just pouts until I can get back up again wiping the tears out of my eyes when I can finally stand again. "Ha! Good one Luce, tell you what we can let one of them fight the loser after lunch." I start laughing again at the thought of one of them being able to stand against me let alone Luce. "I wouldn't mind fighting Erza or Gildarts. It would be a great way to wind down after fighting you." 

"You're just saying that because you want to fight more," she pouted.

"Awe don't be like that," I try to cheer her up.

"Geeze you didn't need to be that mean about it. It was only an idea," Luce pouts some more. Thankfully Melody and Tidus just shrugged the whole thing off and started running around the guild playing while I had my laughing fit. They didn't notice the black aura of straight up evil coming off of Erza from the whole thing. 

Lucy's POV

Well Erza is mad now. I could see her slowly walking up behind Natsu who was still wiping tears out of his eyes from laughing so hard. Honestly it was downright comical, but they ARE still our friends. So we should try to include them in the fun. Right? I huff a little still pouting, we could have gone easy on them so we wouldn't hurt their pride. That isn't too much to ask for right?

Nashi decided now was a great time to coo and try and get our attention, "Ma... Da..." Her big toothy grin was just adorable as she blew a raspberry unable to finish either words. 

"That's right Nashi, I'm Mama!" I grin giving her kisses and making her giggle before Natsu comes in cooing at her too. 

"Dada!" Natsu grinned giving her more kisses and he takes Luke back from Wendy and we try to get him to talk too but he just gurgles as he giggles at the attention and affection we showered on them. 

I see Erza now standing behind Natsu but her earlier anger seemed to vanish as she watched us with our babies. 

"Nashi, Luke," came Melody's excited screams from across the guild hall. I guess they heard her because both her and Tidus came running over asking us to put them down. 

I can't help laughing a little before putting Nashi on the floor next to Melody and watching as her older sister got down on her hands and knees to help encourage the baby. It's not long before Natsu gives Luke a small kiss and does the same with him with Tidus and now I can't help smiling as we watched all four of our babies crawling. The two six month olds wobbling as they gurgled and giggled over finally succeeding and the nearly five and six year olds celebrating with them. 

I lean against Natsu's shoulder as I watch them giggling and laughing as I snuggled into his arms while he wrapped his arms around me enjoying the show too. I don't know how long we just stood there watching when Natsu suddenly kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear. "I already want more," he chuckled before adding. "I'm fucking crazy arn't I?"

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