Flabebe flower affect

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The team rocket gang remained, laying in the field as the Flabebe pollen slowly made its way out of their systems.

They stared up at the sky for a while, just enjoying the beauty the pollen allowed them to see.

Meowth had rolled down the small hill, and started pawing at some flowers. Jessie rolled onto her side, facing her teammates, only to notice that James had done the same. What caught her attention was the way he looked at her. It was different than he way he usually did.

There was a warm smile plastered on his face and a sweet affection in his lovely green eyes. It was odd to her. Her teammate of years looking at her like she was the only woman in the world. This had to be in her imagination.

"What are you looking at?" Jessie asked.

"You." James smiled.

Jessie felt her cheeks heat up even more as she stared at him.

"Me?" Jessie repeated in disbelief.

"Yeah." James reached up and touched her cheek. "Why wouldn't I be? You're beautiful." Jessie was struck speechless. "But you're more than that too. You're amazing."

"I-of course...but..." Jessie stuttered.

She wasn't sure what to say. The pollen still clouded her thoughts and being flustered by his sweet words wasn't helping. Then, as if things couldn't get more confusing, James went on.

"Jessie, I love you." James confessed.

"James...I..." Jessie trailed off.

James gently pulled her closer, and Jessie didn't protest. She wasn't sure where this was headed, but out of everything, she didn't expect him to be as bold as to kiss her. Neither did she think she would be the one to kiss him back.

They pulled each other closer, taking in as much as they could from the moment. The sweetness of the kiss, the gently touch, and the love they both poorer into it. It was bliss.

After the kiss, they laid in each other's arms and drifted off to sleep.

Soon, James woke up sluggishly, but felt like himself again. The pollen was long gone, but the memories of when he was affected weren't. His eyes shot open, now fully awake as he recalled the memory.

'No, no, no! This can't be happening! It can't be real!' James mental panicked. 'But...I did it. I kissed Jessie. She is going to kill me!'

He heard a soft groan and glanced down to see Jessie snuggled up against him. James let out a small yelp, and scooted away. Thankfully, she didn't wake up.

"Ok...ok...calm down." James whispered to himself.

If he was going to survive this, he had to pretend nothing happened. So, he busied himself as he waited for Jessie and Meowth to wake up.

Meowth soon woke up and approached James.

"Hey, how long have you been up?" Meowth asked.

"A little while." James replied.

Meowth hummed as he stretched and scratched at his his ear.

"Man, that was pollen sure was weird. I've never been so relaxed in my life." Meowth said. "Don't know if that's good or bad to be that relaxed. Who knows what could happen?"

James gulped, and his face slowly turned pink.

"Yeah...wouldn't want that." James mumbled.

Meowth stared at James curiously. After so many years of working together, he could see that some happened with his teammate.

Rocketshipping oneshots/stories (very slow updating/ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon