Finally free part 2

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Meanwhile, Jessie and Meowth were working on an escape plan. With some acrobatic movements from Meowth, he was able to pick the locks of their chains.

Even after the chains were off, they pretended they were still caught. They needed these people to think they were helpless enough to leave the door open. However, it didn't happen until the next morning, and it wasn't under good circumstances.

That morning, John went to visit Jessie and Meowth. Most of him wanted answers, but there was a small part of him that planned to release them.

"Hey." John announced.

"What are you doing here?" Jessie hissed.

"I came here to-"

A sudden commotion erupted from above them. People shouting and running about. It was difficult to know what was going on, but one thing that came clear was that something was wrong, and it had to do with James.

The three bolted out of the basement and followed others to James's room. They all froze when they entered.

Outside the window, James could be seen, standing on the very edge of a ledge. If he moved much further, he would fall into the water below.

"James! Get back in here!"

"Don't move!"

"James please!"

His relatives and fiancée begged, but James only inches closer to the edge. His back was to them, and he certainly wasn't going to turn around. No matter what any of them said.

Until Jessie lunged forward, and Meowth quickly followed.

"James! Don't do it!" Jessie yelled.

James looked over his shoulder, and met her eyes. Several man held Jessie and Meowth back, but they continued to fight and yell at him.

"Don't you dare!" Jessie yelped.

"Come on! We can get outta this together!" Meowth added.

James turned to face them with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry guys, but I have to do this. I have to be free." James said.

"No, don't do it!" Jessie begged as tears began to fall. "James...please..." He took a step back. "'t..." He took another step. One more, and he was going down. "James, I love you!"

Everything went silent and still, and for a moment it felt like time stopped. However, James took the final step backwards and disappeared from sight. Everyone raced to be window as a splash sound filled the air. The men dropped Jessie and Meowth as they went to investigate for themselves.

Jessie just sat, curled up on the floor. Meowth tried to comfort her as tears weld up in his big eyes. Her whole body ached, and she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs with all the pain she felt. But she didn't. Instead, she stayed silent, stood up stiffly, and walked away.

"Jessie?" Meowth worried.

"Let's just go." Jessie stated.

With that, the two left the mansion. Although, before they could disappear back into the woods, John called out to them.

"Hey, wait!" John yelled.

Jessie and Meowth stopped and turned to him.

"What do you want?" Jessie glared at him.

"I...I saw this on his desk. I thought you should have it." John held out an envelope to her.

Jessie merely glanced at it before turning away. Her name was written on the front, and she knew that whatever was hidden within that paper would break her. She didn't want to read it and feel weak and vulnerable. She wanted to grief for her best friend the only way she knew how. Which meant burying the feelings until she couldn't feel them anymore.

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