~ You Again ~ 𝟚

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"My favourite spot" he chuckles, earning a hard glare and huff from Ryan whereas I receive several jealous girls' scowls.

"Harry, there's a bunch of girls over there yearning your attention, go over there for god sakes" Ryan quietly snarled, obviously this was something that made him tic.

Harry gives him a small jab to the ribs and a look to shut him up.

"Harry, come on, I've told you that you can't just do that to Ry, it's rude" I finally spit out, raising my head out of my hands to look at him.

A smile creeps up his face even though I've just gone off at him. "There she is" he smirks making me blush.

"Don't even try, you have them okay" I point to the catty brunettes still death staring me.

He rolls his eyes annoyed, "baby, I know that by now you must've realised I have no interest in them".

"Don't say that Harry babe, I know you like me. I mean, after you see that whore for who she really is then you'll come running back" she hisses, twirling her fake ass curls.

Harry and Ryan's glance immediately lands on her, not happy ones either.

"Don't fucking talk bout her like that" he seethes and Ryan mumbles in agreement.

The smirk she once held is quickly washed away and replaced with fear. Before she ran and joined her other fake curl friends conversation, I made sure to send her a cheery smile. Now that was something I could muster up effort for.

Harry interlocks our hands and lifts my chin up to see him. We stare at eachother as our grins both begin to grow and I finally give in and laugh, "ugh no fair!"

Like agreed upon, he extends his arms out and unwillingly I fall into his large, buff chest as he tightens his hold.

"Hey, it's a hug not a suffocation embrace" I mutter out, patting his back to signal time up.

"I made you laugh, don't cut me short of my reward" he teased and squeezed me real hard one last time.

Now that's Harry for you. He gets what he wants, massive flirt and popular popular popular.

Harry is even higher up on the social hierachy than both Ryan and I. Hence why Ryan backs off and doesn't speak his mind too much because there's a lot at stake if one of the 'populars' comes after you.

I've known Harry for ages, he's around my age and for years now he's been wanting my attention. Only recently he's become quite skilled at getting it.

It had started off with the odd few prolonged stares and now it's resulted in sitting right beside me trying to make me laugh so he gets a hug.

Ryan hates him with a passion, every time I bring up his name even, he's irritated.

Especially since a couple months ago where he walked in on Harry and I...

Hey, I'm no shy girl! Nor desperate but I liked Harry then but he wanted a relationship and I wanted nothing more.

Still he tries almost everyday and nobody even dares to tease him about liking me so much because they know what'll happen otherwise.

And there's pretty much the reason that I could never pursue anything with him.

He is one of those bullies.

And I can't stand it, I tell him to stop hurting others then we'll talk but he simply hasn't changed.

"Dude! Dude! Dude!" a voice comes yelling into the hall aimed for our table, well specifically Harry and his bro's.

Harry pulls me close to him, his muscluar arms wrap around my head allowing me to smell his cologne.

This random guy finally rushed over and we still had confused looks.

"Guys, you'll never guess who the fuck is outside" he blurted out, gasping for air after having ran so quick.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Mr Brown is going frantic trying to prepare himself." he chuckles, "it's-".

"WHO?" Harry's friend demanded in a growl.

"It's one of the Arrow brothers from the American Mafia" he shouted half excited and scared. The whole room fell silent and everyones gaze redirected to us.

Ryan froze up again and obviously went to grab my hand but realised that Harry is already holding them and me on his lap tightly.

Even Harry started to pale and the rest of the dining hall. No 'popular abusive bullies' were smiling no more, they were scared.

"What the fuck, why's he here!?" Harry's friend shook his head in doubt, I already knew the answer to that.

One that I am NOT happy with. So fucking entitled they are, I swear to god.

"I ain't scared of him, no matter Mafia or not" I spin my head around to smirk at Harry as he pretends to still be his over confident ass self.

In the corner of my eye, I see Harry's friend become dreaded with fear and becoming bright red along with the random guy who rushed in and the others on the table.

Their mouths all gaped open.

Harry remained oblivious and continued to chuckle.

"I'll take her thanks". His powerful aura constricted the room and his strong presence could most definitely be sensed. He stood tall with his muscular frame and cold exterior. His low growl resonated through the room, as he lifts me from the arms of Harry and props me up in his.

I knew he'd make an entrance.

Harry immediately freezes but soon grips my arm, only for it to be tugged hard and for him to receive a glare of a lifetime.

His mouth gapes open like the rest and I just roll my eyes at the whole scenario.

"What the fuck's going on? She hasn't done anything, put her down!" he spits out in shock and frustration.

My brother scoffs and leans down holding me tight. I knew exactly what he was going to do and I'm not going to be witness to this preventative violence.

"Eli I swear to fucking god, don't touch him" I seethe in his ear, earning shocked and curious looks from all around me.

"A-ari, you know him?" he stutters as Eli pauses in his motion and stands back up tall.

I sigh, "he's my brother".

Wow, that news was truly more shocking to everyone than the fact that Eli Arrow just walked into the building randomly as everyone's mouth gaped open even more.

Of course Ryan already knew, like I said, he knows everything, so his reaction was more sad since he also knew where this was going and ending...With me being taken back home with them and away from this orphanage.

I pouted at Ryan, Harry and Maddie as Eli took me further away. I cried and weeped into his shoulder.

"Please, Eli, leave me here. I found my family" I pleaded as tears just poured out. He scoffed and grunted in response, probably annoyed at how dismissive I am of him and my old family.

"Don't be stupid Arianna" he hisses, adjusting my body that rests on his side hips so he could swiftly collect some belongings on the way out. Including his 3rd gun probably.

"I hate you" I blubber out, gripping tightly around his neck and lightly pounding his back with my fist while we waited for the private car to arrive. 

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