Chapter 68.

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(Taylor's Perspective)

I walk onto campus and look for Abigail. I found her in the cafeteria eating breakfast, "Hello." I said and sat down. "Hi." Abigail said. "How are you?" I ask. "I am getting better now that I am seeing my therapist once a week." Abigail said.

"That's good. How long will you go to that?" I ask. "For a month then afterwards they decided if I need to still go there or if I am free to go." Abigail said. "If you need to talk to someone you can always talk to me you know that." I said.

"I know." Abigail said.

Just then Susan and her little cheerleader group walks buy us, they look over at us then one of them whispers something into Susan's ear. They look at each other weird and they look back at us.

"Hey Abigail. I heard that you went crazy and went to the nut hut? Is that true?" Susan asked and some of the cheerleaders laughed.

"Shut up Susan! It's non of your business." I yelled at her. "No Taylor it's okay I got this." Abigail said to me.

"Are you sure?" I ask her. "Yeah." Abigail said.

Abigail got up and walked right at Susan, everyone in the cafeteria is silent watching them.

"Yes it's true. I went to rehab. I needed help and I realized that. But you know what? I'm glad I went. Because I walked out stronger then ever now mentally. I'm happier. But do you know what you are? You tear people down because it makes you feel better about yourself. All you care is yourself and how you can treat other people like crap for your amusement. I hope you don't raise your kids that way, it's such a sad example example when you are a drown women but act like a teenager wanting attention." Abigail said and all of the students in the cafeteria shouted 'Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!'

Susan and her friends mouths dropped. 

"Also if you start to hate Taylor I will defend her because she has been there for me when no one else was. I will always be by Taylor's side no matter what. So have a great day." Abigail said and walked away.

All of the students in the cafeteria "ooh'ed" and was going crazy.

Susan and her friends quickly walked out of the cafeteria.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I asked when Abigail said back down next to me. "No but you don't need to because I know." Abigail said.

"Well I want to tell you. I love you. I am so glad I sat next to you on my first day." I said and Abigail awww'd.

"I'm glad that you sat next to me to." Abigail said. We continued to talk until the bell rang for class.

(Abigail's Perspective)

After school I went home and walked threw the door.

"Hi mom I am home." I said. "Hi Abigail. How was school?" My mom asked.

"Good. I stood up for myself and I felt good about it.

"What happened?" My mom asked.

"Nothing bad happened. Just the girls that have been bulling Taylor and I talked to us again." I said.

"What did she say? Also who is her parents? I want to give them a pice of my mind." My mom said.

"It's okay mom I talked to her. She found out that I went to get help and started bullying me about that as well." I said.

"Really? What did you say?" My mom asked.

"I told her that it helped me and it made me a stronger person and I told her how I hopped she doesn't raise the her kids the same way she treats people like that. Then I walked away. And then the whole cafeteria started cheering." I said.

"I am proud of you for standing up for yourself. Where did you get so smart?" My mom asked.

"From you." I said.

"I love you." My mom said.

"I love you to." I said.

Author's Note

        So I updated this story after 5162725272 years! I am stuck on how to finish this story though :/ And I may or not my have gotten inspired to write this chapter because of Abigail's tweet about Kim and Kanye defending Taylor. YAS SLAYY!! It's 2016 and Taybigail is still going strong!!!!!!!!! Also ABIGAIL IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!!! I AM SO SO HAPPY FOR HER!!!!!


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