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After a few minutes of awkward silence, we finally arrived at our destination, the Red Field light house

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After a few minutes of awkward silence, we finally arrived at our destination, the Red Field light house.

We all hopped out of the van with, Pope being last and shutting the metal sliding car door.

"All right, so heres what's gonna happen...you're gonna post up and look for bogeys, okay?" John B instructs JJ.

"Wait, why me?" JJ asks from his standing position besides me, annoyed. "Because you're not coming. There are independent and dependant variables and, you are an independent variable. We don't know what you'll do." Pope informs, JJ.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed in annoyance. "Pope, you stand look out with, JJ and Y/N. If we spilt up, we meet back at JJ's house." John B explained.

"Yeah, let's g—wait, why me?" I question John B, groaning. "Because I don't trust JJ to be by himself for a few minutes." John B honestly states.

"He's gonna be with Pope, therefore, he won't be alone." I explained. "N/N, please." Kiara begs me.

"God, you're lucky I love you, so hurry the bell up and go before I change my mind." I say, shoeing them away.

She gave me a small smile and before John B leaves, he placed a friendly kiss on my forehead.

"Lips off my girl, John B!" JJ exclaimed as he walked up behind me and placed his hands around my waist.

"Can't resist man!" John B unapologetically says while, waking backwards and throwing his arms up into the air. I turned around and looked up at JJ and said, "No need to be Jealous, JJ. We're not even together anyways."

"I know, I know, but you're hot and all and a lot of guys hit on you. And I might just have to make you my girl so that can't happen anymore." JJ says with a smirk.

"Mmm, I don't know, I have my eye on a few boys." I jokingly state. "Well, I better be one of them at least." He seriously states. "Oh, you are. Don't worry."I honestly say, lacing the truth behind my statement with a chuckle.

Pope made a fake vomiting noise, stating a serious remark from behind us. "Can you guys quit being all lovey dovey? You're not even a couple. We're supposed to be on lookout and I'm also trying to write my essay." Pope said, annoyed.

"Don't hate the love, Pope."JJ sarcastically stated with a smirk.

After a few minutes of just talking amongst ourselves, we heard police sirens in the distance.

"Wait, shhh do you guys hear that?" I asked them as, I placed my index finger on my lips as an indication to quiet down.

We seen the police cars driving down the road and in our direction. "Oh, shit!" JJ exclaimed, before we all ran to the van. JJ ran to the drivers seat, Pope ran to the passengers seat, and I ran to the back of the van.

We had to leave without John B and Kie, because we most certainly would have been arrested if we had stayed a moment longer.

After picking up Kie at the wreck, her job, we drove to the old cemetery, because John B said something about a dead relative and the location being a clue.

"You mind if Y/N and I just relax on this one? It's been a long day and a lot of weird stuffs gone down. I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this?" JJ asked, Pope, offering him his blunt as I laid my head on his lap while, he played with my hair.

"I keep the signal clear." Pope said, declining his offer.

"dude okay. do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative."JJ said to Pope.

"JJ, stop. Let him be." I warn him, looking up at him as he looked down at me.

After John B informed us that the clue about the Red Field light house was wrong and how he figured it out, we arrived at the cemetery.

"John B what are we doing?" Kie asked the brunette. "You know how you're trying to remember a song, but you don't remember who sings it?"John B asked us.

I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation taking place behind me, due to the fact that I was scanning my surroundings, causing me to trip over a tree branch and almost fall onto the ground, but luckily, JJ caught me by my waist just in time.

"Woah, be careful. Stay close to me." JJ warned me, removing his hands from around my waist, allowing me to stand up straight.

"Thank you." I sincerely thanked him. JJ offered his hand out to me and I gladly accepted it, slipping my hand into his. He gave it a light squeeze and we continued to follow closely behind the others.

We came to a halt to stand in front of a big stone building that had an engraved phrase, Olivia Redfield. "Help me with the door. Come on." John B instructs the boys.

JJ let go of my hand and handed me his flashlight, so that he could help John B and Pope. "Are you pushing?" Pope asked the boys through clenched teeth and a strained breath.

"Yeah, I'm pushing." John B said, clearly struggling. "This door is like 700 pounds, it's not gonna budge." Pope complained.

"We didn't get this far to get this far, alright?" JJ said. As me and Kie were shining our flashlights at the boys, a snake slithered out from in between a crevasse in the stone building. "A snake!" JJ exclaimed.

"That's a moccasin, all right. Ye olde Dr. cottonmouth. Death in the grass." JJ stated. He began to bark at the snake and, I couldn't help but laugh.

"JJ, shut up. Just shut up!" Kie exclaimed as, JJ protectively pushed me behind himself.

"They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that." JJ states. "John, look, we're not gonna get in there, alright? It's not budging. We should probably just go." Pope insisted with no hope.

I shone the light at the building for a second, before looking over at Kie with reflecting ideas. "We can get through." I suggested.

"What? No, no, no, no you think you're gonna fit through the hole?" John B asked us.

"Y/N, no." JJ protested. "Look, this is about your dad, and honestly, I really don't believe in it, but you deserve to know the truth." Kie says.

We start walking over to the stone building but JJ holds his arm out in front of my chest, causing me to come to an abrupt halt.

"You are not going in there. It is way too dangerous." JJ protests. "JJ, it's fine I have, Kie." I nonchalantly state. "Sorry, N/N, but it's a no." He argued. "Augh, fine whatever." I say as I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"A little help." Kie says. "Sorry."JJ quickly apologized as he pecks my cheek, causing me to smile. The effect JJ had on me with just a kiss was insane.

The boys and I helped Kie into the stone building. She was silent for a while, causing the team to grow concerned. "You alive? You got like a heart beat and everything?" John B sarcastically yet, seriously asks Kie.

"Kie, you okay in there ?" I worriedly asked my best friend. "So far...I need more light in here." Kie informs us. "Yeah, yeah, I got you." John B says, handing her his lantern through the crevasse.

"Did you find something? Is it gold?" JJ curiously asks. "Oh my god." Kie says in a low whisper, but due to the echo we heard her.

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