Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes from their harshly clenched position, swinging myself up in my cot. I spit out my dummy and screamed into a nearby stuffed rabbit. Before I knew it I was crying loudly and my whole body was sweating due to the onsie covering it. I attempted to calm myself down but failed, every time I would close my eyes I saw my dad. I was hyperventilating after 10 minutes. Noone came to see if i was okayso I began calling their names over and over to get their attention. Within seconds of me calling his name Luke walked in the room. He was attempting to catch his breath holding onto the door frame after he slammed it open. "What's wrong baby?" He asked finally catching his breath. "Nightmawe" I replied, with my dummy back in my mouth."aww c'mon baba lets go downstairs and ill get you some juice" he cooed picking me up.

Luke put me down on the sofa in the living room and went into the kitchen to make me some juice and a snack after handing me the tv remote.

"Hello, I'm Hannah Burns and this is a missing child report." I looked over to Luke in the kitchen and his face was whiter than a ghost. He dropped the bag of baby snacks on the counter and ran over to me, covering my ears and yelling something. I looked away and the TV was off. "What was that dada?" I asked. "Oh nothing sweet pea, let's just turn the TV to something more age appropriate for you. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, flipping the channel to 'Barnie and Friends'.

Luke brought in my yoghurt and juice and I decided to ask him why I was on the tv. "why was I on the tv dada? I asked confused
"don't worry about that baby everything's fine, want some yoghurt?" he said kissing my cheeks.
The doorbell rang and luke got up to see who it was. I couldn't see the door but I heard someone shouting and pushing I got scared and I started crying when I heard a familiar voice calling my name it was my friend Ryan he came over to me and hugged me and I hugged him back
"Ellie lets go" he said pulling my arm
"go where" I asked confused
"im getting you out of here you can come home with me now and live with me"
Luke gained conscience from passing out and stared to call Michael
"c'mon Ellie" Ryan shouted picking me up over his shoulder and turning to the door frame.

Before we got to the door it was slammed shut by Michael making me flinch and cry harder. He called Calum who was already behind us trying to take me from Ryan. He got me off Ryan and clutched me closley in his chest then he started walking up the stairs but I wanted to see Ryan so I grabbed onto the railling tightly. I looked at the doorway and Ryan and Michael were fighting I started screaming at them to stop which they diddnt instead Michael punched Ryan in the face and again on his jawline and Ryan did his best to fight back but was failing. At this point Calum was trying to pull me of the railing but it wouldnt work because of my wrigling. Michael picked Ryan up who was now lying on the floor covered in blood and luke was still lying on the floor on the corner.Calum had finally pulled me of the railings and was walking quickly to his room, the last thing I caught a glimpse of before Calum shut the door was Michael dragging Ryan down the path outside by his collar.

"daddy let me go" I screamed but he held me tighter on his lap trying to calm me down.
"Shhh Ellie shhh" he spoke in my ear.
The door opened revealing a sweaty Michael.
"Are you okay baby girl" he asked worriedly.
"Get away from me" I repeatedly yelled hiding my face in Calum's chest as he continued to try and take me from Calum but I wouldn't let him, he was a monster!
"Mike let me put her down for her nap she's just tired" he shouted over my yelling.
Michael nodded an left looking quite hurt. Not as hurt as Ryan will be!
"Calm down baby girl you can nap with me of you want?" He suggested rocking my slightly.
I nodded as we both got under the covers and within minutes I was asleep.
When I woke up the little box on Calum's table read 12:00 but when I came in before my nap it read 10:25.
"Daddy?" I asked waking him up.
"Yeah baby girl" he answered.
"Why did the numbers change in that box" I said pointing to it.
"It's a clock babe see, it shows what time it is and right now it's 12 o'clock so let's go get something to eat." he suggested.
I nodded climbing on his back he laughed before making sure I was on safely then started to walk downstairs.
Ashton was in the kitchen when we got there making himself a cup of coffee.
"Enjoy your sleep?" Calum asked as Ashton smiled at us.
"Yes, thanks for the Medicine it worked a treat" he replied stirring the coffee.
"No problem mate, you better?"
"Yeah and how's my baby girl?" Ashton beamed coming over to us and kissing me head.
"She's good just woke up from a nap didn't we baby" he said looking at me. I nodded just as my belly rumbled.
"Hungry are we" Calum smiled putting me in my high chair.
"Want some porridge baby girl?" He asked.
"Yes please" I replied as he fastened up the chair.
Calum went to make my porridge as Ashton came to sit with me, he started pulling funny faces making me giggle a lot until my porridge was done.
"Wanna feed her?" Calum asked a cross-eyed Ashton.
"Sure" he answered taking the warm bowl from Calum.
He scooped a spoonful and blew on it attempting to cool it before bringing it to my mouth which I gladly opened.
A bowl of porridge later Luke walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water out of the fridge then he came and joined us at the table.
"How are you doing" Ashton asked Luke.
"I'm okay just sore" he replied.
"Did you hurt your head?" Calum asked.
"Yeah I think I knocked it when I hit the floor" he answered rubbing his head.
"If you have problems you need to go straight to the hospital for a head injury" Ashton stated.
"I will" Luke said taking me out of my chair and sitting me on his lap.
"How's my baby girl" he smiled
"I'm good can I have a drink please" I softly spoke causing Calum to get up pour me a some juice into a beaker.
"Here you go babe, I'm gonna go up and take a shower guys" he said walking out of the room.
Michael walked in practically straight after Calum and he looked nervous as he approached us, I didn't look at him instead I hid in Luke's arms as he rubbed my back.
I heard a chair pull up next to us and I clutched onto Luke's shirt really tight as I was scared.
I felt a hand on my arm that didn't feel like Luke's and I whimpered.
"Mike I think your scaring her" whispered Ashton, the room was completely silent, enough to hear the water running from Calum's shower upstairs.
"Ellie?" Michael asked softly. I didn't dare look at him I just latched onto Luke tighter if that was even possible.
"C'mon Ellie it's just Michael he won't bite" Luke tried to joke.
"Monster" was all I said which lead to a gasp then a chair being scraped across the floor before footsteps were heard racing up the staircase.

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