Chapter 8

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Michael had been trying for a week to get on my good side but I wouldnt let him near me after what he did to Ryan! I'd throw a tantrum and the boys found out that when I'm in a tantrum I slip out of my headspace.I'm not in right now as I've recently had a tantrum so they put me in this damn play pen to cool off in!

I was lying face down on the rug when I heard the door open and close. I didn't bother to look because I was still in a mood.

"Ellie?" oh great its Ashton.

He picked me up and placed me on his lap. I looked down and played with my hands when he started talking to me.

"if you look at me I'll speak to you normaly"

I huffed then look up at a strict looking Ashton.

"lose the attitude.........Would you like to tell me why you wont let Michael talk or touch you please"

"What he did to Ryan"

"you know he was only doing it for your sake"

"For all I know Ryan could be dead in a ditch right now, Ryan has always been like a big brother to me and I love him, hes my best friend so if you think Im going to let that monster near me, you can think again!" I spoke softly.

"Would it help if I told you Ryan was okay"

"is he really" I asked desperatley looking Ashton in the eyes.

"yeah a friend of a friend knows him and said that he's all good just a few bruises and a broken leg but he's home playing video games"

"thank god" I whisered to myself earning a hug from Ash as a tear slid down my cheek.

He wiped it away then planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Will you try atleast a little bit with Michael for me please babe" Ashton asked directly in my ear.

I shook my head. Im still mad you cant just beat someone up nearly to death and expect no consequenses.

Ashton sighed bringing me closer into his chest.

"you'll have to soon baby girl" he said giving in." I need you to slip back into your headspace baby girl can you do that for me?" he asked.

"dont want to" I replied still moody.

"how long do you need? I'll give you ten minutes then I'm coming back with your bottle" he stated closing the door behind him.

Before I knew it Ashton walked back into the room shaking a bottle of milk in his hand. I could hear the liquid splashing around the bottle.I remained in my previous position lying on the floor head in my arms and I wasnt going to move I dont want no stupid freaking bottle! Ashton caught on pretty quick to my stubborness and just picked me straight of the floor and onto his lap as he sat on the nearby bed. He layed me on my back and took the cap of the bottle testing it on his arm checking it was the right temperature. After doing so he brought the nib of the bottle to my mouth which I refused to open.

"C'mon Ellie just drink it"

I stuck to my guns and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Ellie" Ashton warned raising his voice a bit.

I diddnt budge earning a sigh from Ash.He put the lid back onto the bottle and placed it on the chest of draws near the bed. Surprisingly Ashton threw his arms around me engulfing me in a massive teddy bear hug. I diddnt hug back he's only going to nag onto me about drinking the damn bottle. He hugged me straight for about 5 minutes he looked extremely exhausted when he pulled away.

"Do you need a nap?" I quietly asked him after noticing his bloodshot eyes.

"I think so baby girl" He answered weakly laying back onto the bed sweat apperaing on his forehead.

When he closed his eyes I knew something wasnt right so I ran out the room looking for someone to help in. I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I ran in there first. Sitting on the counter top was Calum and Michael was boiling the kettle.As soon as Calum saw me he asked me if I was okay and I just told him to follow mewhich he did and now were both in Ashtons room. Calum ran over to the bed after noticing the state Ashton was in.

"Ash dude are you okay" Calum exclaimed running to Ashton's side.

There was no reply from him he just kept his eyes shut. Michael busted through the door.

"Help me put him in the car!" Shouted Calum.

MIchael ran to the bed and helped Calum pick him up I ran ahead of them opening doors and when we got to the car I opened the door to climb in but an arm apeared around my waist and pulled me back. After the door I opened was shut the car drove off with Calum in the drivers seat that means I'm in Michael arms!

"Let me go" I screamed trying my best to escape his tight grip as he walked back into the house. After closing the door and locking it behind us he instructed me to go sit on the couch while he made a phone call.

"Wheres Luke?"I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Out, I'm going to call him now to tell him to go to the hospital with Calum!"

"Why cant we go?"

"Because we're not Ellie please just sit down for me" he pleaded.

I groaned before going to sit on the couch not wanitng to make the situation worse as I was actaully concerned for Ashton's health.I was deep in thought when a hand waved infront of my face. I looked to my left ughh it was Michael.

"Please just listen to me" he pleaded.

"......What?" I softly spoke.

"I feel really bad for what I did to Ryan but after seeing what he did to Luke and that he was trying to take you my daddy senses kicked in and I got mad......It will never happen again!"

"Thats not the point, well it is but actions have consequense and you have no idea how important Ryan is to me. He's been by my side for my whole life so seeing him hurt like that hurt me!"

"Ellie im so sorry...can we please start fresh" He begged.

"I dont want to but something I've learned in life is that everyone hurts you so if there's no forgive in the world it would be a worse place than it already is so I'm going to have to forgive you because of the person I am but that dosent mean I trust or like you again sorry."

" I understand and that shouldnt be a rule in your life but I promise I'll be trustworthy again just give me a chance okay"


"thanks baby girl" he said kissing my for head. " I love you"

"thanks" I replied keeping my distance.

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