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so now the story is D O N E done I am ever so sorry for leaving you guys for months but I had some many emotions and such that I hope none of you have to go through losing my nan had been the most painful thing I've ever been through but I've learned so much and if any of you guys need my support at all during tough times my inbox is always,always, ALWAYS open. the biggest lesson I've learned is that it does get easy and with support you will be okay and you guys have been so great to me each comment literally makes me smile like a goon. I am the worst at writing stuff so try and make sense of me when I tell you this, I love you all to everyone who has commented and voted for my story it has meant the world to me and I'm so thankful for y'all I have no idea what to say all you need to know is that you are beautiful and perfect in this deranged world and you better be taking care of yourself because you deserve everything AHHHHHH I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY SO IMA GO love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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