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"Where do we even... begin?"
" I don't know! It's not like I've ever solved a murder case before!"
"You've been the cause of one, isn't that basically the same thing?!"
Yeah. We're real progressive J.D. and I, if you couldn't tell. That was the extent of our morning conversation of how to go about Ms. Fleming's case. Turns out investigating a murder is a lot harder than it's portrayed. We haven't even been cleared to visit the scene yet. Believe it or not, it's actually a bit of a difficult angle to work when you're not exactly friends with the local police.
"I hate to admit it, but I think we should go to my dad."
"What?" He asked. "Why? Not that I'm against it of course, but why now?"
"You're forgetting how long my parents have lived in this town. Being stuck within the city limits of a tiny Ohio town forces you to get chummy with people, and in my dad's case, specifically the police officers. Do you remember the two that showed up after... well, the one that chased us through the woods?"
"Well, it turns out that my dad actually befriended him not long after the, um, incident. He's got this thing for spy novels, I think it makes him feel important. Anyways, he could get us a meeting!"
"I like the way you think. Do you want to call him or should I?"
"Different idea. How about we just randomly show up like I did last time?"
"If that's what you want."
"Let's go then."
"Now? Ronnie, it's barely nine in the morning."
"And don't you think you're rushing this a bit? Why don't you sit down for a minute?"
"Evidence isn't going to be there forever, J.D."
"I suppose you're right. Let's go then."
And so we walked out to my little blue car.
"I'll drive." He said.
"Are you sure? Do you even remember where my house is?"
"It's kinda hard to forget."
"Fair enough."
We drove the rest of the way in silence.
"Okay, I'll go first. Wait in the car?"
"Okay. Call me when you're ready."
I got out and faced my childhood home. Here goes nothing, I suppose. I knocked on the door.
"Coming!" my mother's voice echoed from inside the house. I still feel guilty for not checking up on her after her hospital stay. At least now I have a chance to make things right.
"Veronica!" she exclaimed when she pulled open the door.
"Hey mom."
"Come in! I bet your father's dying to see you. He misses you, you know."
"I do. I'll try to visit more often." I said, stepping into the threshold. I turned back and gave J.D. a sideways thumb. She seemed receptive, but you'd be surprised how quickly things change in this town. One minute you're trying to make your way through school, and the next you're one of the most popular people. Then suddenly you're all alone and the one person you thought would be with you always is dead, and you're once again the town's social pariah. It's dizzying. He flashed a thumbs up back.
"You'll never guess who's here!" My mother called to the house.
"Are we expecting someone?" my father appeared in the living room entryway. "Oh. Hello, Veronica."
"Hey dad."
"You two!" my mom laughed. She walked into the living room and brought out a tray. "Pate?"
"Thanks but no thanks, Mom. I'm trying to cut back." I grinned.
"So Veronica, where's your boy toy?" my father, ever the no nonsense man, cut in.
I grit my teeth before answering. "First of, he's not my 'boy toy', and secondly, I asked him to wait outside."
"Well you can't just leave the poor boy outside! Let him in, Ronnie."
"It'd be easier to leave him out there." my father muttered.
I walked out the front door and sent a thumbs up in the direction of the car. J.D. got out and met me at the door.
"I take it your father has decided to be civil?"
"I wish. No, my mother said it's cruel to leave you outside."
"I knew I liked her for a reason."
"I'm just glad I haven't been chased out with pitchforks."
We walked back into the house hand in hand.
"Mr. Sawyer." J.D. said with a polite nod.
My father looked mildly disgusted.
"Let's just get this over with."
"Okay," I began. "Do you remember Pauline Fleming? The counselor from the high school?"
"The one who died? Yeah, what about her?"
"Well, I was hoping that you could help us out. I'd like to talk to the officers on the case, just to find out what happened."
He seemed to think it over for a minute before giving me the verdict.
"Fine, but I'm doing this for you, not for him."
"Thank you, Dad."
We stayed at my parents house for a little while longer until everyone else in the room became uncomfortable with the weird energy between my husband and father. My mother sent us off with pate. Some things never change, I suppose. My dad got us a conference with the officers assigned to the case for tomorrow.
"J.D.?" I began when we got home.
"What was up with you and my dad? Even a blind man could tell how weird you two were being."
He sighed.
"Remember a few days back when I kept getting those phone calls really early in the morning?"
"Well, it was your dad. He still disapproves, but there's not much he can do about it now. He was angry that we got married without telling him."
"That's... not what I expected."
"What were you expecting?"
"Honestly? I don't even know. I mean, this is Westerburg. For all I know you could've been conspiring with my dad to get me to leave town or something."
"You honestly think I'd do that?"
He didn't look convinced.
"I promise. I love you."
"Our love is god."
No matter what the next day would reveal, I was glad to have him with me, even if only for that day. Some things never change, and others do in the blink of an eye. I wish I had known that.

A/N- look at me with my 1,000 word chapter! Sorry for being a crap author, I'm lazy and usually uninspired
P.S.- I drew Veronica again (it's kind of an obsession at this point) so let me know if you want to see those.
Update: it has been requested that they be seen so they're at the end of the chapter! Bye!

 Update: it has been requested that they be seen so they're at the end of the chapter! Bye!-N

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