Secrets and Hospitals

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"Before we go, there's something I need to tell you."
"I suggest you sit down." Following his advice, I sat back down on the couch and stared at him in anticipation. "It's your ex-boyfriend."
"J.D.?" His name caught in my throat. "What about him?"
"He's alive. The explosion didn't kill him. He's at the same hospital as your mother getting therapy."
"That's not funny."
"Why would I joke about something like this?"
"It's just not possible. I watched the bomb explode. It left a crater in the football field. No one could survive that." I was shaking. With that final thought I blacked out.
I woke up groggy and cold. As I sat up I realized there was an IV in my arm and a paper thin gown on my back.
"What the hell?" I said. Then it hit me. J.D. was alive! No. There no way. I must have been dreaming. Just then there was a knock on the door and a woman wearing scrubs entered.
"Ms. Sawyer! Good to see you conscious!"
"Thanks. Listen, not to be rude but when can I get out of here?"
"I have your release papers right here, you just have to sign."
"Thank you Dr...."
"Paradise. It's no problem."
"I have one more question."
"Fire away."
"What room is Maureen Sawyer in?"
Dr. Paradise flipped through some papers on her clipboard.
"She's in 3B." She said with a smile.
"Thank you."
~1 Hour Later~(Veronica's POV)
I wandered through the hospital halls until I found 3B.Looking through the window I saw my Dad seated next to Mom's bed and they were talking. I knocked lightly on the door.
"Come in!" My mother's melodic voice called. I walked in and shut the door softly.
"Hi Mom." Her mouth opened and formed a perfect oval.
"Veronica, baby! You're back!"
"Yes, I'm back."
"It's so good to see you! How long will you be staying?"
"A long time. I recently bought an apartment near the high school. I also got a new teaching position at Westerburg."
"Are you sure about this sweetheart? After everything that happened..."
"Mom." I said sharply. "I'm well aware of what happened there, and I'm ready to face it. Speaking of what happened there, Dad told me something back at the house but I think I might have imagined it."
"What is it?"
"Is J.D. alive?" My parents were silent for a moment. My mom spoke up:
"Yes, he survived the explosion."
"Where is he?"
"Here in the hospital. However I don't think that you should see him under any circumstances." She stated bluntly.
"What?! Why?" I was so upset I was practically yelling. Suddenly a nurse came bustling in.
"Is everything alright in here?"
"Everything's fine." I spat. "I was just leaving."
"Veronica.." my mother looked hurt. I almost felt guilty. Instead I grabbed my purse and stormed out the door.
"Veronica!" My dad called. I ignored him and kept walking while white hot tears streamed down my face. I had to get out of here. I ran out to my car and locked the door. I just couldn't bring myself to leave knowing that he was in there, so I just sat and cried. After doing this for a few minutes I steeled my nerves and made a decision. I was going to see J.D.
A/N- How will J.D. react? Will Veronica run into some old classmates?

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