"Guys I don't mean to sound pre med but. That looks like tissue rejection." Randa confessed,

"The what do we do?" Lilith asked terrified,

"We have to remove, Silverback." Randall replied,

"That's a suicide misson, Randall. You know the rules." Abigail argued,

"That's not our call to make." Lilith stated, Randall crouched to Jack's level asking him a simple but dreaded question.

"Jack, buddy, you want us to save your life?" Jack groaned, "I'm taking that as a yes."

Abigail rummaged through Jack's trouser pocket pulling out his phone,
"What are you doing?" Hamish asked,

"Calling Jack's grandfather he has a right to know." Abigail responded on edge,


"Should we move him to the couch or-" Randall was cut off but loud abrupt knocking an probably Mr. Morton calling for his grandson.

Hamish let him in, trying to introduce himself but Mr. Morton wasn't having it. "What's happening to him?"

"Mr. Morton, you might want to brace yourself." Abigail suggested,

"He's a werewolf, and he's been fucked by magic."

"Well, he knows alot more than what we think. Progressive-" Abigail mumbled,

"Its his hide, we think its rejecting his body." Lilith informed,

"His hide? What?" Mr. Morton replied,
"Its what makes us werewolves-"
Randall huffed, "Then remove it." Mr. Morton  huffed frustrated,

"Its not simple. Removing the hide could mean death for Jack. Forgive me, it's a big risk." Abigail frowned her job as Alpha was dawning on her once again.

"Do it." Mr Morton demanded and soon enough everyone was holding Jack down on the table. His screams erupting horridly, as Randall started to dig out Silverback, pulling him out.

"I got it." Randall spoke, repeating himself. But Abigail knew it was too late, Jack's face grew deathly pale as he stopped breathing.

"Bring him back." Mr. Morton argued,

"I- I am sorry, I can't." Lilith stuttered,

"First my Chloe and now my Jack," Mr. Morton huffed in a very timid and dreary voice before Hamish called for him as he walked out.


Silverback was pinned up with knives struggling to break loose, none of the group had attempt to remove Jack's lifeless body.

Randall weeping at his side, "There isn't anything we can do for him now." Lilith rubbed his shoulders, he stood up using his sleeves to wipe the forming tears.

Lilith then started chanting an incantation in scripted on a old piece of paper stitched on Silverbacks coat.

"Maybe, we shouldn't chant the evil words from the demon book?" Randall suggested,

"Whatever she is doing its calming Silverback." Abigail stated,

"I'll take it downstairs." Lilith started unpinning him, folding him.

"Want some help?" Randall asked,
"I think I can take the werewold hide down to a locker." She snapped,

"You wanna know something?" Abigail laughed moronically,

"What?" Randall asked

"I couldn't save him, he probably needed my help. And I fucking pushed it all away. Some Alpha I am," Abigail sat on a bar stool running her hands through her hair.

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