Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
School Boys and Girls

It had been the first day of University at Belgrave, Go TimberWolves!, where it was a city inside a city, where buildings landmarked like dots on a map big enough to be a island. Fresh faces everywhere, as new freshmen scattered about like fleas.

Randall Carpio was a pre med student aswell as an R.A, a young adult with years ahead of him, no doubt trying to flirt his way through life and failing miserably. Randall was tall and lean with brown curly hair, fair skin and a cheeky grin no one could resist. He was best friends with Hamish Duke,

Hamish Duke, a teachers assistant. Well to some girls he was a stud with ash blonde hair, he had style that no one could compare. He just had this charm, perfect boyfriend material one might think. And could make you the perfect drink,

And then there was Lilith Bathory, the young girl with comebacks fired from the pure depts of hell. Her wit never failing her, as people stayed out of her way due to her aggressive like nature.
She wore dark clothing, and it purely because she loved it that way.

It was odd that such a trio could get along, well all expect one particular young lady. Abigail Herondale, the reasonable and sometimes aggressive type. She wore red lace clothing with white collars, long black tights that had jet black heeled ankle boots.

Abigail has seven different types of outfits which she regulates through every week during different times. And it's just because she likes that she doesn't have to fuss and be late to classes, because she simply couldn't find what to wear.

She had short bobbed blonde curly hair, and wore a red or black headband to accent herself alongside simple smoked makeup that made her very cute.

Now Abigail was a sophomore at Belgrave, studying English Literature and could honestly not understand why people would think the little group was odd.

They a regular sat and drank beer at the local pub,  just outside of campus and often she'd find herself out in the nearby woods, reading or writing some assignment for next class.

Abigail gained a reputation around Belgrave, everyone knew her name and that was of course thanks to her mother and father, Reginald and Harper Herondale.

Abigails parents donate generously to the school, which didn't help her with gaining friends the first year of study.

People thought she was a snob, rich kid with a golden spoon up her ass, and she proved them all wrong.

As the years went on and Abigail matured, it was lucky enough she gained her own name for herself. It wasn't good nor was it bad, people knew she was just there merely existing in the background. And though that may seem a bit sad, Abigail liked it when she wasn't the centre of attention.

Abigail wasn't a leadering figure of anything.


Abigail followed Randall down the dormitory corridor he was directing a young guy about telling him the terms in which he would abide by.

She wasn't paying attention really, just listening to music through her earbuds highly just living life and enjoying herself.

Until they reached a room, Claytons room. The boy was wierd in Abigails opinon but she couldn't judge him to harshly. She too probably seemed wierd to alot of people.

Abigail stood outside waiting for Randall to finish doing his duty with the new guy, catching his eye she smiled and turned her sight to Randall who shrugged, probably at the fact Clay was going on a random tangent.

A few minutes had passed and Abigail pulled out her earplugs tucking them away in her jacket pocket. She smiled once again at the new freshmen, noticing his features. Long shaggy brown hair, fair skin. He genuinely looked like a nice dude.

Randall shouted something back, "I'm pretty sure I was suppose to say that."
As he laughed and wrapped his hand around Abigail shoulders walking away.

She shrugged him off, "So whose the new guy?" Abigail asked,

"Jack Morton, Ethics. Funny guy." Randall answered,

"How'd you know that, you've barely meet the dude." Randall laughed,

"I'm the R.A, I always know." He winked and smiled cockily, the pair walked down the corridor out the set of tall glassed doors to be greeted with sight of New faces and old ones, mingling with one another. Gossiping, bantering and showing eachother new clothes that they brought.

"I heard there is this girl Aylssa Drake or whatever, she's doing the tours now. Not I am surprised, she a history nerd."

"Hey, and so are you." Randall chirped back smiling walking away from Abigail,

"You calling me a nerd Carpio?" She snapped mocked hurt.

"Love you Ab's but I got studying to-"
Abigail chuckled, "But its only day one!" She shouted to the back on Randall who was walking away,

"I know I just wanted to get get away from you!" He replied jokingly, waving her off.

"Jerk!" She shouted before heading home to meet with Hamish and Lilith who probably were drinking.


"I'm home!" Abigail called, Hamish appearing and handing her a glass not surprised with his day drinking.

She wasn't usual a day drinker, but occasionally indulged herself in any of the beverages provided by Hamish Duke the mixologist of the century.

"Thankyou Sir." She smiled taking the glass from his hand, and tossing her bag to the floor,

"You know we have a hanger, or you know just put it in your room. Where you sleep. Just a thought." Hamish stated strutting back to the living room,

"Yeah, but I won't Where's Lils?" She replied happily walking into the living room. She watched him mix another drink,

"Probably upstairs, you know The Order is going to start bringing New Recruits in."  Abigail groaned at the sheer thought.

"Don't remind me, the endless ringing because they can't get it in their pants-" Hamish chuckled at Abigails displeasure, "-Shut up, you hate it too."

"Sup dirt bags." The sounds of Lilith caught their attention Hamish finishing off his new mixed drink,

"Randall took me to meet this new kid Jake or whatever, looked cool. Anyway Randall's off with his pre-med buddies, probably getting his rocks knocked off" That last part obviously a joke, Randall is a respectable man, who is also highly idiotic and immature.

"Yeah well he's Randall-." Hamish cheered, "-Anyway looking forward to another year?"

"Numerous lectures with Professor Clarke, let me think-" Abigail pretended to think, "-No not really, he's picks me out."

"That's cause your the smartest." Hamish reassured,

"Thanks Hamish." Abigail smiled and continued to sip on the delectable beverage Hamish made,

"Well if it means another year of ass kicking Neophytes then hell yeah." A typical aggressive response from Lilith.

"Bring on the fucking Neophytes." Abigail cheered loudly in annoyance, Hamish raising his glass to that.

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