Chapter 6:2

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Chapter 6:2
Test Subjects.

Continuous Chapter from previous

Abigail jolted up in sweat and fear of what she had witnessed, Abigail wasn't aware of how long she was unconscious for but from the sights it grew dark and she was now resting not on the floor but the couch with the throw over her.

"Someone's awake." Hamish was making himself known with a mug in hand,

"You got to tell me what happens when you pass out like this, I think it's starting to worry the others and especially Hamish," Randall whispered to Abigail who huffed,

"We were running-" Abigail started, "We?" Randall interrupted, "-Edith and I, we were running, we got lost. It was late, we were in the forest. Darkness clouded our judgment. But there was a low growl, terrifying."

"What was it?" Hamish asked curiously,

"It had red eyes, it was large like a dog- I think it was a werewolf. They chased us to a house. It looked abandoned and I instantly realized where we were. Not far from Belgrave, I think it was Tundra from the looks of it. He didn't see me but I think he sensed another presence, they both did. Usually, they can't hear or see me-." Abigail groaned and ran her hands down her cold face sighing,

"-It's obvious that she was Alpha from what we know, but I think that moment was when she was officially claimed as Alpha's Champion."

"We have to stop Edward from completing the Vade Macum," Jack announced sternly, everyone nodded.

"How do we do that?" Lilith asked,

"If magic is what it is, maybe we fight it with magic?" Randall asked,

"I have to find out more from Alyssa, be careful the Order is hunting for werewolves as well," Jack admitted

"Whatever dude, do what you have to do." Abigail smiled, Randalls attention turned away from the group to a particular woman being harassed by another man.

With that said the aching sound of ringing erupted making Abigail groan, "Magic? We just sat down!" Lilith spoke, Hamish, turning his head around to survey the area. " We should keep a low profile, at least till we know how they're hunting us, No unnecessary transformations, Understood?" Abigail ordered everyone's head turned to Lilith. "Why are you looking at me?" Lilith asked dumbfoundedly, Hamish raised a brow, "Fine." Lilith gave in groaning,
Randall looked at me and smiled, before noticing two adult men walking to the pub, Abigail noticed they both looked creepy, "See I told yah, rich assholes drink beer!-" A tall man with shaggy blonde hair laughed noticing a lonesome girl studying, "-Found my landing screw." Abigail gagged, "This is never good," Hamish admitted,Soon out of instinct both Randall and Abigail took place at the girl's side, "Hey, she doesn't need saving." Lilith furrowed her brows at us, "I know." Randall admitted, before walking over to the women but not before taking Lilith's beer bottle."Hey, babe, what did I miss? Hi, I'm Randall Carpio and this my man is Abigail Herondale." Abigail winked, "And you are?""Not buying the boyfriend act, she told me she doesn't drink" The shady man responded bitterly,"How about you both just leave and let me finish my work? Unless one of you knows how to test for pharmacological reaction times on adverse psychotropic mood elevators." The women asked,"I'll let you take this one." The man directed back,

"You could try a radioactive tag.and check cortex distribution levels using a PET scan," Randall suggested, "You two can stay." Randall cheered waving the creep away, "Buh-bye." Abigail smiled, "Hi, I am Randall and that's Abigail." Randall smiled shaking the woman's hand, "Ruby." Ruby greeted,"Nice to meet you, Ruby." Abigail smiled chugging back her water,"Nice to meet you." She replied smirking at Randall, completely ignoring Abigail's presence. ------From then on the two hung out with the newfound 'friend' Ruby, Hamish, and Lilith leaving with Jack probably going back to drink further at the Den.


 Abigail was cold, motionless feeling numb to the touch. As she and Randall laid unconscious on the hard cemented floor. Soon enough Randall and Abigail groaned, "Abby?" Randall groggily called out for his friend, "Here." She responded nervously."Hello?" Randall shouted knocking on the only doorway out, it was locked. "Randy?-" Abigail weakly spoke, "Yeah?" "-I'm worried." She finished."I know I'll get us out of this." Randall encouraged, hugging Abigail.He let go returning to the door unsuccessfully getting a response, "I think there has been a mistake, this door won't open and I am very hungover." Randall banged on the door, "Hello?" He called receiving no response.Abigail could feel her heart beating fast, sweat now dripping down her face." Don't worry, we'll get out." Randall then transformed, clawing at the large blue door. The two men behind the security cameras smiling, "What's that? Doc." "That's a werewolf." The male doctor announced proudly,"Ah, geez. What are you going to do with it?" The assistant hesitantly asked,"Learn how to make more." The Doctor smiled evilly,-----Randall screamed, banging on the steel door.

"Come on, Randy." Abigail gestured him to return to her side. He was compelled, Abigail saw a white-haired man stand at the door, so she approached. "Where are we?" weakly asking. "My research facility, you both signed up for my study last night.", "So you're a warden?" Abigail asked annoyed, "This is not a prison, the test is voluntary. You and your friends thought it would be hilarious." The man stated, "So, we can leave?" Randall called out. "Of course, you can." Abigail then tried the doors laughing, "That's funny, the door is locked."Oh dear, not again-" He jiggled the knob pulling it open, Abigail and Randall eyed him, "-Maintenance was suppose to fix it last week, Marty make a note." Marty nodded, "I apologize for that, but given your inebriated state it was probably for the best." "So, where is the exit?" Randall asked, The doctor gesturing a direction, and Randall and Abigail both left, "But you both waiver the 50 dollar honorarium.""I think we'll survive." Abigail spat, "Where's Ruby?" Randall asked,"She's already started the protocol, I guess she couldn't survive.""We want to see her." Abigail demanded, "Then you can either participate or wait outside, Of course. Are you afraid of needles? " The Doctor suggested.Randall looked at Abigail who shrugged in response,

 "Let's do it." Abigail smirked walking back into the room."Excellent, Marty?" Marty uncovered the large needle gun, "What kind of test is this?" Randall asked,"I'm developing an implant that enhances physical performance, Shall we?" The Doctor gestured them Randall inside before stopping Abigail."She is directed to a different room" The Doctor stated, "Whatever, old man." Abigail smiled kissing Randall on the cheek, following Marty down to a room right next door. This room had a window were Randall could see in as she could him. She smiled at the boy who returned the smile, muttering someone she could not here. -------

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