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Jasmine POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. I'm like wtf where am I? Did Hasawn lie when he told me he wouldn't stalk me? I felt a pair of arms on my side. I look at the perpetrator. August Alsina.

I move his arms off me. The only thing I hope for right now is that we didn't do it. Well then again. He is August Alsina.

Once I finally got out I bed August woke up.

"Hi. um I g2g and did we..."

"No.. no. you fell asleep on the couch so chris brought you up here. I got drunk so I stayed over here."

"Oh thank god." I whispered

I got out the room and walked down the hall until I saw the room that said 'Big Daddy C'. I knocked on the door.

I heard a lot of thumping. Then Chris opened the door.



He closed the door.

"Don't look in my room."


"Cuz I'm yo fova."

"Yeah. If your my fova and I'm your mother that means you're your own grandfather."

He sat there. "Come in." he said opening the door.

"Omg it's so big."

"I know right CJ is the ladies favorite. They say it's bigger than the rest. But you haven't seen him yet. So how do you how big he is?"

I turn around and look at him. "Who tf is CJ? I was talking about the room."

"Oh." he said smirking.

He had this huge ass bed the size of a car. Then he had a walk in closet. He had his own bathroom. The bathroom was the size of my room.

"This room is nice."

"You haven't been up here have you?"

"No I wish I came sooner. I would hide in here and nobody would know I was in here."

He chuckled.

"Something funny Mr.Brown?"

"Oh we calling people by their last name now? Oh ard. You lucky I don't know yours."

"Huh? I'm lucky for nothing I'm blessed."

"Wtf are you talking bout?"


"Are you going to school?"


"Why not?"

"Cuz I'm black."

"That's definitely a good reason not to go to school."


He just looks at me

"Go to school."


"We are going out later today and don't be late 4 pm. wit me, Kae, Ronnie , and Tinashe."

"Wait, what? Ronnie has a gf?"

"Yeah why?"

"No reason." I said.

Yeah I'm mad. My best friend since prek ain't tell me he has a girlfriend. Oh ard. I see how it is.

Many hours later

Chris POV

So we're all here. Except Jasmine. I told her ass to be on time. About 1 min later she walks in.

"Hey I'm srry guys Derrick had me doing something."

"Whatever." i said.

"Wtf is your problem?" She asked.


Then the waiter came over.

"Hi my name is Affion. I am your server tonight how may I assist you."

Everybody ordered their drinks. Before he left, his phone rang.

" you mean she did something the f*cking something...i never called you a b!tch yo... I just said that word cuz you accusing me of sh!t...bye Felica!👋" he hung up and walked away.

After he left Jasmine started giggling then started to die with laughter. Then everybody joined in. Then he came back. Everybody stopped laughing.

"Here y'all go..," his phone rings again "I'm not going to answer it... do y'all know what y'all want to-" the restaurant's phone started to ring. "Oh no this b!tch did not call my job."

"Aye Affion!"


"It's for you."

"Hang up on that b!tch."

"She said if I hang up on her she would sue me."

"That b!tch can't do that. You ain't do nothing... put the phone on the side and I'll come in and hang up on her. How does that sound?"

"She said she's going to take you to court."

He looked at us. "Tell her to suck my ass and the juice inside of it."

Alrightly then I thought.

"I'm so sorry do you-"

"Do not ever have sex with a women you meet at a pharmacy. She's crazy as hell when she pregnant."

By that point I'm like I don't want to eat here anymore so I just put $250 in his hand and said "take care". Leaving out that crazy ass restaurant.

I looked at Kae.
"Where the hell did you find this place?"

"One of my foll-"

"Don't listen to that person ever again."

I looked over at Jasmine. She is still laughing. Like her face is red and everything. I'm glad to see she's having fun.

Thank you everybody who reads my story. That you to all who favorite it and the one person who commented @August_Alsina_143 thank you. I want more ppl to comment pls. 😘

More coming soon.

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