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Nothing really happens today at work. Besides the fact that a kid threw up on the floor. It was disgusting 😵. I get off work early to get ready for the date with Chris. To tell the truth, I don't want to go on the date. I just got out a bad relationship.

So I have Derrick pick me up because he caused this mess. Also I didn't want to walk. So when I got home I took a shower. After getting out the shower I put my hair in a messy bun. I get dressed in bleached jeans with holes in it with a white shirt and white Adidas.

It's only 1:45 when I got finished getting ready. So I decided to watch tv. Next thing I know I'm hearing a car horn go off. I look out the window and see a lambo. It's a light blue this time. I turned off the tv and walked outside.

Once I got in the car I smelled his cologne. It was strong but it smelled good.

"Hey beautiful" he said

"Hey" I said.

He just sat there. "Where we going to go?" he said

"How about the movies?" I said. "Yeah the movies". He said starting to drive.

We got to the movies theaters and stand in line. There was a girl in front of us who didn't know what to watch. "Can I uhh.." she sounded like that one Episode of spongebob when Patrick didn't know what to order.

We went to the line next to us nobody was there. Then Chris started to copy the girl. "Can watch uhh.. uhh" I laughed then I noticed a mother, her daughter and her son.

"Mom I don't have enough for Frozen." the little boy cried. I tapped Chris. "They dont have enough for the movie." he turned and looked the the vendor. "How much will it be for those 3?" I guess the vendor tells him, he paied for the tickets for them and us. Then turned to the family.

"Who wants to see Frozen?" he said while handing the little boy and girl the tickets. "Us!!" they screamed. The mother smiled "thank you" Chris nodded.

"Last one to the ticket taker is a melted snowman!" Chris said to the kids running to the man.

After the movie we walked out singing "do you wanna bulid a snowman?". Chris then asked the family if they wanted to go out for lunch. We went to Fridays. When we finished Chris payed the bill and we went our separate ways.

When we were driving to my house Chris asked "do you wanna be friends or more then friends?"

I looked at him. "I'm sorry but friends" he looked disappointed.

"I'm happy to be friends.". "But Jasmine," he said when I was getting out the car. I looked at home "is those tips getting you enough money where you har a receptionist?" we laughed.

"That was my brother, I'm sure that won't be the last time you here from him. Goodnight Chris!" I said while walking to my house.

Chris and Derrick in the mm.

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