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It's just another day at Guy's Resturant. Imma waitress here. My name is Jasmine and all the ppl know me here. I've been working at Guy's Resturant since I was 16. Im now 18. Ready to leave this place.

I was all rounded up in my thoughts when a customer called me " Uh," I turned around " Jasmine check please."

"Oh yeah here you go" I said handing him his check.

I started to walk away. "I'll be back."

I was going to go to my manager Lillian D.

"Hey Lillian" I said cheerily

It's Lilian D" she said smartly. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I don't have the for her games.

I walked back to the customer.

"Ok here's the money for the gods and here's your tip." he handed me $23.50 and also a $100 bill.

"Uh what's this for tip was only $3.52?"

"What are you going to buy with $3.52? And besides save it for a rainy day." he said walking away.

After I put his money in the cash register I look at the clock 4:30. Time for me to get off. So I clocked out and started walking home. Next thing I know I see a orange lambo pulling up next to me.

"Do you need a ride?" the man in the car said. I didn't realize it at first but it was the same guy from the Resturant. I decided to take up for his offer because my legs were hurting I didn't want to walk home. I got in his car.

"Where would you like to go?" he asked

"My house would be nice, just drive straight and I'll tell you when to turn and stop."

The car got really quiet then he introduced his self.

"Well,my name is Chris."

"Hi Chris, you already know my name." I said. He laughed "yeah i do."

"Turn left." he did as I said. Then the car got quiet again.

"Well Chris,what do you do for a living?" i said trying to make conversation.

"Well I'm a singer, rapper, actor, dancer, songwriter, etc, etc." he laughed "I don't mean to brag." we both laughed. "I'm suprised you didn't know." truth is I do know but I don't want to see all fangirly.

I looked out the window "we're here." I looked at my house. I got out the car.

"Hey!" he said when I started walking to the door "how am I supposed to contact you after today."

I walked back to the car and told him to hand me his phone and handed him mine.

Then I added my name as 'Jazzy😍😍'. The added my number. Then handed him his phone back then I got my phone back. He put his name as 'Baby Daddy😍😻👍👐'. "I'll call you on a rainy day." he said while I was walking to my house. I didn't realize it at first but there was a car in my driveway. It was my brother Derrick.

I got in my house and called out to my brother"derrick!" no answer "derrick!"

"What?" he said as if this was his house.

"What are you doing here?" I said while he was coming up from the basement.

"I was makin sure my baby sister got home safely."

Derrick is only one year older than me.

"I'm ok now so go." I said walking to the refrigerator. Then my phone started ringing. Derrick answered it before I could get it.

"This is Jasmine's phone Derrick speaking... uh huh... I think she's free... I'll check" he turned to me "Are you free this Thursday at 3?" he didn't even let me answer "she's free... then y'all have a date.. Derrick is out." he said hanging up the phone.

What the world? I just looked at him then went upstairs. Put my tips away. Tie up my hair and got to sleep.

The beautiful Jasmine V is Jasmine!

I changed her... srry.

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