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Jasmine POV
I woke up feeling like my face is dying. I know that doesn't make since but my face felt heavy from crying. I got out of bed and took a shower. I decided that I would put my hair in a bun. I put on an Adidas sweat suit. Then went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, a spoon, Special K, and milk. As soon as I got out the milk and turned around Chris was standing right there.
I was going to ignore him. But I didn't feel like it. But then I didn't feel like talking so I just poured my cereal and milk and started to eat.
"Jasmine you cant ignore me forever. What's up? Why did you leave?"
Just then Ruben came downstairs.
"Hey Jazz."
Ruben was my official first crush. He is Derrick's bestfriend. He basically lived with us when we were younger. He knows everything about our family. So he knows everything from when I started my first period or my first boyfriend and why I wouldn't date Chris at the time. The only thing he doesn't know is that I had a crush on him.
I looked up at him and nodded.
"You'll address him but not me. Oh ard." Chris said.
"Jazz can I talk to you?" Ruben said.
I nodded. We walked in the living room. "have you told him about Hasawn?"
I shook my head. "Tell him."
I sighed. "Chris!"
He walked in the living room. "Oh you talking now."
"STFU and sit down. I got to tell you why things went down."
"What things?"
"So you remember when you asked me to be your girlfriend? Of course you do. I said no and I'm sorry. Then remember when Derrick said I couldn't take twins to the arcade? Well last year I was dating this boy. His name is Hasawn. And well he was abusive. It all started when he came to my job and he would get jealous. At first it was cute then one day, I got this table with a lot of his friends. I was playing around with them but he took it seriously. When he picked me up that day he told me I was a hoe and a slut and I deserved to die. Then he hit me. I didn't go to work the next day and he apologized. So then when I did go back to work I waited all these tables full of guys. He picked me up that day and threatened to kill me. When we got home he decided to beat me until I spit up blood. He then undressed me and raped me basically and put me in the bath. I had to go to work the next day. Tried to cover up the sores with makeup the best way I could but Guy who turned out to be my father found out-"
"Wait you knew your father all along?" Ruben asked.
"Yeah. And don't interupt me again." I cleared my throat then lifted up my shirt so he could see my stomach. "That never healed. I was took to the hospital. And they arrested Hasawn. He was released earlier this year. That's when I met you. Derrick and I were afraid that he would find me and hurt me again. Or he would hurt whoever I was with."
"How's does that explain why you left yesterday?"
"I thought you would wait for me. But you got a girlfriend." I looked at the clock. "And I am late for school."
"Wait this is one more question. If you don't work no more how do you pay for school?"
"My father."
2 hours later...
I got in the car with Bryan.
"You hungry?"
"Let's go to IHOP."
"Come on vamos everybody let's go."
He looked at me. He mumbled something.
"Huh. I couldn't hear you. Whut waz it?"
"I said this is going to be a long ass ride."
"Across the street? Oh ard."
Yeah IHOP is right across the street from my school.
"Ard you get take out, I'll just sit in the car."
"You lazy."
I got out the car and walked inside the restaurant. I felt like I was being stared down. I looked around and saw this man that looked hella familiar. Then he was the one staring at me. Wanna know how I know? Well cuz when I saw him the n!gga didn't even look away he just kept staring in my face. I started to feel like I had something on my face so I went to the bathroom. Checked to see if something was on my face. Nothing was there. So I walked out the bathroom. Then rounde-

Bryan POV
I looked at the time. It was 1. At first I was thinking she would pop up to scare me. But 30 minutes later i don't Jasmine I playing anymore. I walked in the restaurant. I walked up to the carry out line. "Hello did a young woman with blond hair and a tattoo on her wrist come in here?" I aske the lady behind the counter.
"She did. But she went to the bathroom. But I don't remember her coming out. I'll check to see if she's still in there an if she's ok. "
"Oh thank you."
She left then came right back.
"Nobody is in there."
I stood there in shock. Wtf could she go why would she leave.

Unknown POV
She looks so sexy sleep. I wonder when she's going to wake up.

Ruben is in the mm

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