Chapter 16

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Danny awoke in a hospital, his heart monitor completely flatlined.
Danny scoffed, this is why he didn't go to hospitals.
Danny got up and ripped the IVS from his body, he phased through the glass, and flew to his 'home'
It was empty, which was pretty accurate to a normal day. He gently gasped for air, his body aching.

He looked at the news to see that Bakugou was captured. His head ached. He was so caught up that he couldn't save them.

Danny flew to the hospital pretty quickly to witness Kirishima yelling.
"Kirishima." Danny scoffed.
Everyone seemed shocked the boy came, he was badly injured with his mental state and physical state.
"Bakugou will be okay. He's saved us time and time again though, so I can't agree more that yours and Todoroki's plan is accurate." Danny huffed.
"But, how do you know we will actually survive this one?" Danny mumbled. Kirishima went wide eyed.

"I came here because I was supposed to protect you guys, and I couldn't do that. I don't know if we can even do this." Danny said, clenching his fists.
"We have to leave this to the professionals! We can't get involved, Idiots!" Iida yelled. Kirishima went off at him.

"Come on! He's still at your reach! We can save Bakugou."


"Listen, we are all shocked that Bakugou was taken from us, it doesn't matter how noble our actions are; knowing we're breaking the rules, we're acting like villains, not heroes." Tsuyu sighed.

Everyone went silent.

Suddenly a knock was heard. A doctor came in and Danny overheard Kirishima's plan, which made Danny and Iida uneasy. Danny went on to do his own thing,


Danny appeared before the two boys. As Momo walked out, Midoriya followed.

"So how bout it?" Kirishima asked, Iida appeared beforehand,

Iida yelled hysterically at Midoriya, punched him. Danny watched him emotionlessly.

"Of course I care." Midoriya mumbled.

"I trust in Todoroki's judgement, but still things could always go wrong so I'll go as backup." Momo added.

"I know I'm hurt, but I can still move; all I can think about is saving him." Midoriya sighed.

"I'll never agree, so I'm coming with you." Iida growled. "I'm coming aswell, don't forget I'm here." Danny smiled. Everyone seemed surprised he was there.
"It May seem I hate him, but in reality; he's just as bunched as the rest of us." Danny sighed,
"I'm your watchman!" Iida growled.

"There's no reason for any of us To go after him, but I'm scared too; so I'm coming with you." Momo nodded.

They took the train,

"Did you tell the rest of the class?" Midoriya asked. "Yes, and they tried their hardest to get us to stop." Todoroki sighed. They went on talking for a bit.

Danny looked at his hands. "What do you think Danny?" Kirishima asked.

"We need to try our best." Danny growled.

They arrived at Camino Ward , and Momo mentioned stuff about being stealthy; so they went for Disguises.

Danny laughed at their outfits, they looked hilarious.

"Danny you're not..?" Kirishima asked, suddenly he transformed. "They don't know I can look like this, I guess." Danny shrugged.

They all looked at a press conference on the large TV, it was questioning around Aizawa, Nezu and Vlad(( solid blood guy ))

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