Chapter 15

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The bus was rather noisy, but apparently the first stop was there.
Danny wasn't paying attention like usual, which was a bad habit. They were all thrown off the side of cliff, which Danny just floated down, he figured they'd just make it themselves; so Danny just floated to camp. None would noticed he was gone. Danny arrived quickly and the Pussycats were rather surprised.

Soon the rest came traveling in around 5:20 PM.
Everyone looked exhausted. "That sucks." Danny laughed.

Kota was a rather interesting kid, kicking Midoriya in the scrotum.


Danny ate quietly; avoiding everyone else. After that he sat in the steaming water. He closed his eyes listening to Minetas.. loathing?

"You're disgusting." Danny sighed. Mineta climbed up the wall only to be slapped down by Kota.

Then Kota passed out. Midoriya took him to Mandalay's Infirmary Area.

Danny was relaxing in the hot spring, not worrying about much; then his enhanced hearing caught up on Kota's situation.

Danny got up and grabbed a towel, leaving to the boys room, not wanting to hear another word.
His situation was so similar it hurt.


5:30 AM

They all were out front, Bakugou was thrown a ball, they were doing a progress check.
"709.6 meters, you've had a single semester at U.A, but you've all definitely improved, but most of it was mental." Aizawa spat. Everyone was horrified, that smile scared them. Danny thought carefully on how much of a hell this actually would be. Of course; it would be hell. But how much would he put them through?

Danny wasn't worried, he had improved in his normal form along with his physical and mental strength since the entrance exam. He was worried about others, Dannys sole purpose was to protect this world from dying, but Midoriya was doing that perfectly fine.

So what was the real reason he was sent here?!
He didn't want to worry about that right now, so now the training began, a lot of hard things were going on, Danny was just training with the large cat guy, who he had completely forgotten the name of, he was training with Midoriya.

Danny landed every single hit against the Pilabody guy, causing pretty much everyone to gasp.


Cooking was Danny's strong suite, so Iidas support made him happy, Danny lit a fire with his ectoplasm, and he made a delicious curry. Denki was practically scrabbling for his meal which Danny swallowed down.

Danny's enhanced hearing let him hear the conversation Midoriya and Kota were having. It made Danny whinced at how low volume it was, but it made him wonder; why was this kid practically him?


Danny couldn't sleep that night, practically having a tantrum.

Danny was watching Aizawa scream at the failing group, and he chuckled a bit. Danny was done with his training for a bit because he was so overpowered for good or for worse, of course probably for good.

The pussycats were rather annoying and stupid, which he really hated.

Soon it was time to cook, and Danny was rather pissed at this point. Danny ate whatever Todoroki cooked up because he made extra.


Of course a courage test was something Danny wasn't great at, but he was a ghost. Danny laughed evilly causing people around him to get chills. Danny was paired with Midoriya since he was the only one left.

Suddenly Danny saw a fire, and looked around cautiously. Danny flew up and threw ectoplasm at the ground causing the random Lizard guy to go flying, Danny whipped around slamming his leg into the guy with a stone Pillar, temporarily knocking him unconscious.

" Be Careful! We don't know their dumb quirks!" Danny yelled, his eyes were set ablaze with green, and suddenly he transformed into his form.
"I'm going to scout! You guys handle situations here, I'm sure you can!" Danny flew off to the fiery pit to see a skinned guy, "well hello Patches." Danny growled to himself, the guy ran off.

Danny's eyes went icy blue and he slammed ice into the ground, causing the fire to mostly extinguish; Danny breathed heavily a bit, he summoned a crystal and placed it in the ground, it sprouted causing the forest to frost over; then disappear after the ectoplasmic fire melted it.
Danny flew off to find everyone else, fairly worried. "Clockwork.. Please let them all be fine!" He pleaded, suddenly Danny was slammed into the ground.


"How interesting to see you here Daniel." Vlads venomous tone made Danny want to pummel him into the ground. "You know this all could be ended if you came back with me.." vlad sneered.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Dannys body charged with power and ectoplasm surrounded him, suddenly an explosion threw vlad off, the ectoplasm became reactive and had exploded, causing serious damage to Danny's skin. Danny held his breathe and phased through the ground,

Vlad flew back and slammed his body weight into the boys sensitive rib, Danny let out a blood curdling scream.
Danny clenched his fist and slammed it into Vlads face, Vlad went flying into a tree; Danny got up and made his legs into his spectral tail, he flew up and sent an ectoplasmic light into the air.

It was like a flare, and hopefully someone would find him. Vlad grabbed the boys tail and slammed him into the ground, Dannys spectral tail dissapeared.

Danny got up and held back his scream, he transformed knowing he'd probably hurt himself with this next attack.
Danny flew up above Vlad, confusing him on where the white haired boy went, Danny let out a blood curdling scream at Vlad, His wail. The sudden noise caused Vlads eardrums to pop and send a ringing through his ears. Vlad was suddenly knocked unconscious, and Danny could barely breathe.

Danny got up; "I have to.. save them." Danny breathed, wheezing audible from his voice.
Danny barely made it back, before knocking unconscious.

Save.. them.

- A new dimension ; Discontinued, Rewriting. -Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя