Your Scent

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     Hoseok doesn't like it.

He doesn't like the way the alpha looks at him. He doesn't like the way he looks at him with so much /hope/ and /longing/
Hoseok doesn't like it one bit

Because he is none of those things

It's been a few years since Hoseok has been teaching dance
A few years since he's been teaching children -- little angels who make his work so much more meaningful
And Sarang is just another face-- she's just another pup, quite adorable and sweet, especially with how much she seems to look up to Hoseok and enjoy his lessons
Always eager and enthusiastic when she walks on, smile bright, eyes twinkling, looking at him like he hangs the stars and the moon
And Hoseok is so endearance-- she's so sweet


But she's not special

In fact, Sarang is just another one of his over-enthusiastic students, following him around like little puppies, hanging at his every word.

Until she starts trying to get him to meet her single father.

Hoseok nearly gets a panic attack the first time she tells him that he'd make a good match with her father. He's never felt as awkward as when he laughed it off and rubbed her hair in an offhandish fashion.

He doesn't want to meet him.
He doesn't want to meet him at all.

Because he doesn't want to give this little girl false hope.
He doesn't want to tear down her fantasy of a happy ending that she believes /he/-- that Hoseok-- can offer her
He doesn't want to let someone down



So no, he doesn't make any effort to indulge her and fall into her little schemes
And lucky for Hoseok, her father has never given him the opportunity to be caught off guard either
They've somehow managed to evade eachother for a month
It's smooth traveling for Hoseok

Until it's not...

He knew what he was getting into though, when he offered to stay behind with Sarang long after everyone else had left
He knew that he'd finally meet the faceless man he'd been dreading for the past weeks
And yet he's stayed
He'd taken one look at the little girls eyes lost and helpless as she watched the other children leave one by one-- and Hoseok had let out a defeated sigh, walking over and bringing back that innocent upward twist of her lips

/Oh God./
/He's getting attached, isn't he?/

/Don't get attached, Hoseok./

/You have nothing to offer./

The scent of lemons announces Sarang's father, deep and rich and so similar to Sarang's own sweet scent of oranges. Hoseok smiles, bracing himself to meet the dreaded alpha he's heard so much about.
He isn't prepared for the young man with the curly mop of dark hair

Eyes haunting and absolutely enrapturing, it terrified Hoseok how much he wants to lose himself in those brown pools
Tall and broad and everything anyone would ever want in an alpha
His luscious lips parted in an "oh" of awe and wonder as he looks at Hoseok

And he really /looks/ at him
He looks at him and sees in those few moments more than anyone ever has in all his life
Or at least that's what he feels
And it terrified him
It terrified him that he wants to look back in the same way

But he doesn't
He isn't ready for that

/You have nothing to offer./

/You're only going to fuck things up./

SINGLE DAD ft. baby Sarang (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now