Everything start with ...

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        Single dad alpha Taehyung sending his baby girl for her first dance class and she comes back home saying "daddy daddy teacher Seokkie smells the same as mommy used to"

And Taehyung's terrified coz his daughter's always talking about this Seokkie person with little stars and hearts in her eyes
And she wants Taehyung to meet him but Taehyung doesn't want to coz he's scared--
He's scared he'll fall in love
And he's promised he'll never love again.

But his little girl is a sweet but stubborn thing
She's sad that her father's always alone, always looking at that little picture of her mom in his wallet,smile sad and wistful
She wants him to be happy again.

And she knows teacher Seokkie will make things right
She just knows it.

Taehyung finds himself in a dilemma
His baby girl is hell bent on making him meet her dance teacher
And he's hell bent on staying as far away as possible,given that he still has to drive her to drive her to class and pick her up
It's a dangerous game he's playing
But it works out.

Until it doesnt...

It's almost a month that Taehyung has avoided meeting this Seokkie person
A whole month he's steered clear of his impending doom
He goes to extremes to make his ends meet--
Sometimes, he gets his friends to accompany him to the class, and pick her up instead.

Sometimes, he picks her up a while before classes even end, requesting for her at the reception
His fear is far fetched and plain stupid, but he can't help it
There's an alarming palpitation in his chest when he listens to her talk about the man who smells like his late wife.

And then...

One day...

He fucks up...

Taehyung cannot believe how late he is, he races past red lights, perspiring in his rapidly building panic
He's late by a whole two hours, the night sky pitch black and star-less, dotted only by the light of the city that doesn't sleep.

Taehyung groans in relief when he parks his car, almost shooting out, racing towards the building on wobbly feet
The receptionist gives him a nasty glare, which he barely registers in his haste
He stops at the lift, cursing when he sees it's at the tenth floor.

He decides to chuck it and use the stairs-- it's only three floors and he's still a young man!
He runs up, taking two steps at a time, huffing and panting and wheezing by the time he reaches the third floor, turning sharply as he sprints down the deserted hallway to the danceroom.

When he turns the corner, he sees his daughter waiting at the door
/Oh, thank God/
He feels his shoulders relax and his legs turn to jelly as he comes to a halt before her
"Sweetie, I'm sorry I'm late--"

His words die on his lips when he sees that his daughter isn't alone
Of course she's not
She wouldn't be smiling the way she is if she were all alone waiting for Taehyung to show up even though he was supposed to be there hours ago

/She looks so fucking happy/

And that's when Taehyung averts his eyes from his daughter's smiling face and sees the man, bent down on his knees, giggling as he talks to her, voice light and airy, tone genuine and sweet
Taehyung feels the wind get knocked off his lungs



No please not again

"Daddy," his little angel turns around and jumps into his arms. "Daddy, you're late"
"Sorry, sweetie," Taehyung whispers,his eyes still transfixed on the beautiful man in front of him
It's unfair
It's so fucking unfair
He's felt this way before
He's felt this way for someone else.

"Daddy had a little extra work today, sweetheart," Taehyung wonders if his voice is steady, he wonders if his expression is as neutral as he's struggling to keep it as he looks into the man's shining doe eyes and drowns in them a little more with every passing moment.

"It's okay daddy," his little girl giggles, rubbing her nose into his neck, popping a wet kiss against his scent gland and giggling as he noses her back. "It's okay 'cause teacher Seokkie was with me the whole time."

Taehyung nods his head, looking up to see the man walk towards him, smile big and bright and fucking gorgeous. His sweet lips pulling up in an enchanting heart shaped smile, tiny endearing dimples popping out at the sides of his mouth.

He's beautiful.
He's stunning.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok, it's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Kim."
His voice drills straight into Taehyung's heart, even as he tightens his grip on his daughter, burying his nose into her hair, trying in vain to immerse himself in her scent of orange and cinnamon-- so familiar to his own

He takes in a shuddering breath, slowly relaxing his grip on his child, as he finally decides to give in.
He's tried
He's tried so hard
He's tried for months to avoid this

And he's still trying to surround himself with anything but Hoseok's scent

But it doesn't even matter...

Because it's the only thing in his mind...

He feels like he's drowning...

He's drowning in the sweetest smell in the world
His daughter had said that Hoseok smells like his late wife-- but he doesn't
He fucking doesn't
Sure, he smells of vanilla, the same as her
But it's more than that
It's so much more

Taehyung has never smelled anything like Hoseok

"Thank you," Taehyung says as he reaches out and shakes Hoseok's hand. It's warm and soft and Taehyung wants to kiss his knuckles-- but that's too soon-- too soon, for Hoseok and too soon for him
Because he's still grieving his wife
He's still grieving for God's sake

/But Hoseok is so beautiful/

/And Taehyung is so lonely/

/And Hoseok smells so sweet/

"Vanilla," Taehyung whispers, looking down at Hoseok's hands and marveling at how his long delicate fingers slotted so perfectly with his own.
"Huh," Hoseok tilts his head in confusion (and it's unfair how fucking endearing he looks)
Taehyung groans in embarrassment

His daughter giggles, reaching out and swinging between Taehyung's and Hoseok's leg,looking between the two of them in glee
And it hurts Taehyung to see her so happy like this
When was it that she last smiled so bright
When was it that she laughed so freely

Everything hurts

"Seokkie," his little giggles out, cheeks puffed and flushed a soft red. "Vanilla. You smell like vanilla." Her smile softens, and Taehyung wants to bend down and wrap her in his arms, pull her close to his chest and cry into her hair. But he chooses instead to watch dumbly.

"Seokkie, you smell like mama."

Taehyung makes a choked sound, swallowing it so it's bearly audible.

It fucking hurts
It feels like her words plucked his heart right out of his chest and left a big chasm in its wake

Hoseok sounds confused, his eyes flitting almost comically between Taehyung and his daughter
Taehyung feels his mouth dry up
Fuck, he's already scared him off
And they hadn't even started anything yet

"That's not possible," Hoseok smiles as he says in a soft tone, that cuts at Taehyung's already obliterated heart like a sharpened knife
His daughter looks at Hoseok in confusion, and Taehyung wants to hold her in his arms and protect her from the impending rejection....

"That's not possible, sweetie," Hoseok bends down and ruffles her hair. "It's not possible because I'm a beta."

Taehyung's breath stops.

"And betas don't have scents."



Im back again huhuhu...

A new story for a new day ...

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