chapter 3

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Darkness that what all what sora can see as he felt like he was falling slowly. He was still thinking about what happed earlier. These two new threats easily defeat sora and his friends. He couldn't do anything the one in orange was playing with him and even add Insults saying that they were weak.

Sora closed his eyes amd opened them to see I'd he can wake up but when he did he still see darkness and noting more. He thought that actually was dead but then remember that when he died he wound turned into a Heatless. So what different this time he waited for a bit then he saterd to voices speaking. From hes hearing he thought that he heard 3 voices and one of them he knows very well.

His master Yensid. He listens what his master was saying to the other voices.

Master yensid: Thank you very much for saving my students. If I was to late their deaths wound haunt me.

?: Hey it's all right, we were just luckily enough to get there in time.

??: Yeah and we were also trying to get answers were we are and we saw they were pure of light.

Master yensid: Hmm indeed I guess you can sense their life force. But before I ask your names let's get them up.

??: Sure here give them theses.

Sora heard something as it sounded like this voice is geting something out of a bag.

Master yensid: hmm... what are theses? Beans??

??: They are actually called senzu beans. They can restore anyone engery and heal all major injuries like cuts and holes and fills up your stomach.

Master yensid: Interesting.

Sora then noticed the darkness saterd light up as a ball of light sine down. As the light closer. He closed his eyes and raised his arm as the light consumed him.

Sora woke up as he look up he saw master yensid looking over him still looking serious he also saw him holding out his hand and so sora grab his hand as he was lifted up.

Sora: Thanks! Ugh my head what happen?

Master yensid: You been knock out for a while now! The ones you fought were stronger then you and they left you to die by the Heartless.

Sora stared to remember everything he remembered that they were all about to die but a beam of energy were able to save them. Sora looked around to see his friends were all right. He saw that they were fully recovered he saw Kari walking to him and giveing him a hug and he returned it.

Riku: Ugh my head hurts what ever that thing we fought I couldn't follow it movements and it strength was unbelievable!

Ven: Yeah and I thought I got a good hit on all of sudden it turn into these cube and disappear. It apper behind me and it attcks were relentless!

The group were not happy about what happened they realized that master xehanot has two very powerful opponents. Mickey asked yensid if he has any knowledge about them.

Master yensid: Sadly I do not have any knowledge about these warriors.

The group sighed that they dont have any information about them. Then they heard some talking above them.

?: Luckey for you guys we do!!

Sora look up to see to figures watching over them as the sun was over them.

Sora: Who are you?? And what do you mean?

The two figure's then jump down landing next to group and letting them see what they look like.

One them was wearing a martial arts gi with a bule and orange look with whilte gloves and light bule belt. His skin was peach and they saw a brown tail around his waist as well he had dark brown and reddish spiky hair and 2 hanging locks sticking out in a shape of a updownside V.

The other was wearing only a vest on that had padding around his next and shoulders. The vest was a a very dark bule and padding was yellow. His hair almost looks like the other one but instead it has 1 hanging lock over. He had white gi pants tied by a bule belt and a a brown tail around his waist same as the other one. His skin was peach as well.

The group were shocked to see these two figures appeared what shocked them the most was that they have tails around them. Aqua saw that they had some serious muscles and the one in the vest had a amazing six pack. She was blushing but luckily no one else notice. Riku on the other hand was jealous to see their muscles.

Riku: So what are your names?

The one in the vest walked up and saterd to address himself.

??: It's nice to meet you all. My name is Gogeta.

?: And my name is Vegito.

Gogeta/Vegito: And we are brothers!

( In this story gogeta and vegito are brothers and It will take some time for me to tell them about their background storys.)

Vegito and gogeta warriors of lightWhere stories live. Discover now