But there's always been a certain dark side to my dad, not with me but with other people.

With that stuck in my mind, I headed downstairs to the party. The theme was Cigars and Champagne, which I could neither have, legally of course but I've always been one to break rules. Cameras flashed in my face as I walked down my long staircase, I moved my hand in front of my eyes to avoid the harsh, blinding lights.

My house was filled with rich, stuck up people. Once I made it to the center of the room a waiter was walking past me when I grabbed the champagne from the tray, once I got it my dad took it from my grip while winking at me. I smiled sarcastically at him as he walked right back over to my mom's side.

Great, now I can't even drink

My parents aren't revealing their divorce yet, my grandmother would murder my father if she found out her sons marriage didn't work out and the public would go crazy with the affairs.

"Hey, babe."

I turned around to see Victoria, she looked stunning as always with her hot pink maxi dress. Thank god I'm not alone, I quickly hugged her while kissing her cheek.

"You look gorgeous, Tori." I said while gawking over her dress, which has to be Gucci.

"No, all you babe." She smiles.

"Where's Ms. Astor." I ask, referring to her lovely mother who's like a second mom to me.

"I didn't come with my parents, I came with Jakob." Victoria says.

My smile dropped. There's a secret behind Jakob that I've never told anyone, a secret that could do some serious damage.

"I have to find my-"

I struggle to find my words. "My grandma, excuse me."

I left before she could reply, I pushed through the busy crowd. I ran downstairs to my dad's wine cellar, finally peace and quiet. I typed in the code, I entered and immediately grabbed a hold of some red wine. I was in such a hurry that I almost broke the wine in half, once it was open I chugged down the wine not caring about the end result.

Why is he here? What more does he want from me?

It's been almost three months and the trauma never left me, the memory never left my thoughts. He still haunts me in my nightmares even in my dreams. I wiped the red wine from my lips, I threw the empty wine glass in the garbage. I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped the mascara from under my eyes.

I could still feel him, his harsh breath brushing against my cheeks, his chemical filled cologne that makes me want to vomit, his weight, everything.

Don't let him win, Adora, you're a Ridges

I gracefully walked back upstairs, once I got to the top I noticed that I started to feel a little tipsy but nothing I couldn't handle. Soft music was playing as everyone was paired in big groups, talking about their boring lives.

I stood in the corner, looking at everyone in front of me. People were having a great time, why wasn't I?

"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be alone."

That voice, the voice that haunts my dreams. I turned my head slightly, Jakob was standing next to me, facing the bar.

"Excuse me." I tried walking away but he grabbed my elbow, holding me back.

"Don't touch me." I snap.

He didn't remove his hand, I didn't want to cause a scene. I didn't do anything.

Amour | 18+Where stories live. Discover now