Chapter 2: Battle

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December 7th 2557,
Our team started sprinting toward the middle of the battlefield. "Alex, Garrick, and John flank right! The rest of you are with me!" We did as our squad leader Connor said and flanked right.

I pulled out my Assault Rifle "Alright guys we need to find the other team and take them out!" We run into the canyon and take cover "John look and see if there are any enemies nearby." John looks up and is shot instantly! Then the announcer yelled "First strike!"

"OH CRAP!" I yelled. Garrick then radioed Connor "Connor we are under fire, I repeat we are under fire!" I grabbed a Frag Grenade from my belt and threw it toward where I thought Johns shooter was. "Grenade out!" The explosion made my ears ring.

I quickly looked over my shoulder to see if anybody was there and I saw two blue team bodies on the ground "Double kill!" Said the announcer Garrick and I then regrouped with Connor and the others.

"Did you guys run into any trouble?" I asked Connor "We ran into a couple soldiers, they didn't take anyone out" he replied. we continued walking down the trail until we saw to red dots on our mini maps. "Enemy's twelve o'clock." Says one of my friends Adam.

Garrick walked slowly behind him and knifed him in the back! "I guess our armor is pretty weak against knives!" I say with a smirk.
We kept walking until we noticed something "GRENADE!"

The grenade exploded and wiped out Garrick and Adam instantly. "Multi-kill!" The announcer roared "Help,I'm wounded!" Screamed Connor. He was hurt pretty bad, I picked him up and started pushing forward.

"Alex, watch out enemies 6 o'clock!"
I turned around and pulled out my Battle Rifle. I started firing toward the other team when all of a sudden I hear "One man left on red team!" I'm the last person! Connor must have bled out!

How am I gonna kill 3 guys single handedly? I started looking around me, when out of the corner of my eye I see a Rocket launcher. "Yes!" I screamed out loud, I then ran to it and picked it up. It was really heavy.

"Hey blues!" I yelled "Come and get me!" I started sprinting to the edge of the canyon.

'Hopefully they are stupid enough to all come at once!' I thought to myself. And surely enough, they did
"See ya in the real world SUCKAS!" I fired the rocket and it hit all the ground between the three of them.

"Game over! Red team wins!" I have never been so relieved in my whole life.

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