Chapter 4

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"Who are you?" I asked with a tilt of my pistols.

At first, I was suspicious of them being scientists due to their roughened looks, but because green knew her way around the lab, I accepted the fact. Yet, even the most trusted of them would never know my birth name and if they somehow did... they would never call me it.

Not even Lilith.

My companion shadowed over me like a guard while I waited for an answer.

Clarke, if her name was even that, seemed panicked. Her eyes were wide while her gun switched between aiming at me and the gorilla. Green on the other hand started talking.

"I am the Commander of the 12 clans. Descendant of Becca Franco, Pramheda. You will lower you weapon."

I froze.

Becca Franco... Lilith Franco... Becca... Wasn't that Lilith's sister? The one in that space station. The Polaris.

Realisation struck me dead in the heart.

I immediately lowered my guns and knelt on the cold metal floor with a fist to my heart. "My deepest apologies commander, I will accept any punishment you see fit."

I owed Becca my life and I will forever be in her debt. If serving her descendants shall be it, then it shall be.

"I'm so confused, shouldn't we be running or something?" The one called Clarke spoke as my companion disappeared once more.

The commander settled her, "It is alright, Clarke. We can trust her." She looked down at me, "Stand. Let us return to the village."

I stand straight, holstering the pistols and waited for their movements.

Before they moved, the blonde turned to the commander, "Lexa, what about your injuries. Let me have a look at them before we leave."

"No. I am fine. We must leave now if we want to make it back before dusk."

"Lexa! Just let me look at them, 13 will agree."

They looked over at me and I nodded before saying, "We can stay in here until you are satisfied to leave."

She reluctantly agreed and let Clarke check her ankle and shoulder, clenching her sharp jaw at any large spikes of pain.

I walked over to a different section of the wall and opened the medical compartment. Taking out bandages and anything else Clarke would need, I wondered about the world in this moment. The nukes must have done something to society, dare I say de-evolving or at least de-civilising the people and they must have destroyed cities and buildings. However, judging by the level of communication, some civilisation must've been achieved.

I handed the supplies to Clarke, who wrapped the commander's ankle and shoulder to stabilise them. As I did so, she thanked me and continued focusing on the commander. I could see that the commander had an almost longing look on her face as she stared at Clarke, while Clarke seemed to be extremely caring towards the commander. It's interesting.

"If I may ask, how has the nuclear war affected the planet." I just wanted to be sure.

Clarke answered, "I dropped down from space not long ago. My people have been up there since the bombs. Me and 99 others were sent down to earth because we were expendable and I can tell you that a lot of things have been mutated."

"Do you know of Polaris? And has it dropped down along with Alpha Station?" If Becca's station was down here, I can access my internal data and turn off my codes.

"I know there used to be 13 stations but Alpha Station blew one up to make an example and the other 11 joined together. Right now, we only have a couple sort of intact station down here. The others blew up when entering the atmosphere or are scattered around. You would have to ask Raven about that."

"Thank you, Clarke. I assume the commander is not of your people?" That would be intriguing if people managed to survive the nuclear fallout, would they have any abnormalities?

The commander spoke up, "I am not part of Skaikru. I am Lexa kom Trikru and the Heda of the 12 clans."

Skaikru? Heda? What are these terms? I think they've developed a new language because it sounds different from the 14 languages I know. It sounds like broken english, maybe they have a similar meanings. I kept that in the back of my mind as I adapted the room to a dormitory.

As the control table scanned my hand print and DNA, I noticed that instead of the normal red coloured blood, the liquid dripping out of my finger was white. Holy- I had white blood. Why has my blood mutated to the radiation? The serum should stopped it.

"Access granted. Welcome Thirteen."

Holographic panels pulled up and I typed in the codes to modify the room to a three bedded master room with an en-suite. Why not live in luxury at no cost?

As the system computed the commands, the room started morphing into what I imagined. Steel walls melted into a creamy cave and three perfectly made double beds appeared besides the far wall from the door. The en-suite was small and closed off, but with the size of the room, it was decent enough. With a finishing touch, soft carpet blossomed through from the cold floor and completed the transformation.

The commander observed the changes with suspicion while Clarke had yet to notice due to her intense focus. To be fair, the change had only been a couple seconds.

"What is this tek?"

I answered the commander straight away, "The room is made of morphing material. The metal was made in 2020 after a global pandemic. It utilises high electrical currents to change its shape and texture and with that can be manipulated with technology."

Clarke perked up with interest just as she finished with the commander's wounds, "That means that this room has really advanced things, right? Are there any other medical equipment in here?"

"No ma'am."

She looked down. "We should be headed to bed soon to wake up at dawn. If you want, you can clean up in the lavatory before bed," I offered as a suggestion. The blonde's face lit up in excitement.

"Finally! There has to be a working shower and toilet." She hopped towards the en-suite happily before skidding to a halt, "You by any chance have a change of clothes?"

I opened one of the compartments, revealing the clothing and she nearly ran over to it before disappearing into the closed room.

The commander looked at me with her forest green eyes. Her similarly coloured energy swirled in waves around her pristine figure. The war paint around her eyes accentuated her sharp features and very nearly gave me a paper cut. With a pregnant pause, her full pink lips opened in a raspy breath, "What do you know of Mountain?"

I'm sorry? Here a long chapter for y'all. Pls don't kill me 👁👄👁

I don't know if I want to change it to an overall Lexa ship or a Clexa one. Idk I'm just finding Clarke really annoying rn. Give me your opinion if ya want.

Cya soon... maybe... prolly in another couple months... maybe

Bye! Xoxo

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