Chapter 3

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Phoebe's POV
I felt energy.

The deep grey flow of the surrounding walls, rich brown of the earth, and passive green of trees. Accompanied, the vibrant blue and green of the two scientist called out to me, whilst a raging red pulsed.

Yet- there never were this many trees... something wasn't right.

I searched deeper. They didn't have a scientist feel to their energy structure. From my memory, scientists all had a faint white tint because of the sterile environment. Yet, the two of them were immersed in an earthly brown- only- it called out to my very soul, especially the one with green.

When the pod opened, I feigned weakness, unsure of the intentions the 'scientists' had. Well, 'feigned' also because I was given something to weaken me so that I was applicable for cryo-stasis and for precautions incase I went rogue after awaking.

So I fell out, faking unconsciousness while trying to identify the red energy I sensed. It was familiar yet so foreign. However, my focus was the immediate dangers that were now talking.

"Lexa! What have you done?" The blue blob blabbered.

The green one stayed quiet.

I groaned out loud because I was 'waking up' and because the steel floors were cold.

The blue blob came to help me up, "Hey, take it easy. I'm Clarke. Are you ok?"

"I... ugh yeah... I'm ok," I mumbled, "I need... I need stimulant." She looked confused, but the green pulse moved and opened the compartment with the stimulants. She handed me one which I injected myself with. The needle tip pierced through my skin and plunged the contents into my blood stream.

Feeling much better, I stood and the two scientists faced me.

"13 at your attention. No hostility experienced. Ready for commands," I stated. It was protocol for when I woke up.

This time, both scientists looked confused. Was this not my protocol anymore? Did I accidentally confuse it?

"May I ask the year?" Maybe because of the time change, mannerism is different?

"It's the year 2149," Clarke answered and then paused for a bit, "Is your name Thirteen?"

"Yes ma'am. May I be excused to equip clothing and weaponry?" The green one nodded her head while Clarke just stood with a thoughtful look.

As I headed to wall that contained the pod, the green energy stalked to Clarke and started whispering something too quiet for me to hear.

I paid no mind to it for the scientists all had their secrets, away from me.

Pressing on hidden compartments on the wall, the drawers of attire and weapons made their way into the light.

The garments contained in this room were all specially made from modified vibranium fibres intertwined with adamantium, making them penetration proof whilst being able to absorb and store the released kinetic energy for wearer use.

As I was already in my undergarments, I equiped the suitable clothing and holsters needed for various weapons. Walking over to the compartments, I brushed my hand along the spine of an AD512K, gnarly assault rifle.

The familiar touch of the cold steel brought a comfort to me. I had noticed that Clarke was carrying a pistol while green had a sword, so to adapt to the present, I holstered a couple pistols, throwing knives, daggers and sheathed two katanas on my back. Furthermore, to decorate my new would be compound, I packed a weapon case containing the assault, some additions for it and modified specialities.

I was now ready to leave the cryo-room.

Standing to attention, I faced the two scientists who seemed to be in a heated discussion. Thinking better than to interrupt them, I decided to summon my companion.

The energy in me swirled, making way for the hazy red to manifest into my gorilla. She stood tall beside me, her giant stature towering over us. Her energy signature was strangely identical to the one outside the door, and her modified hairs were dirtied and clumped together.

"Pauna!" Green noticed and the two scientists whipped out their weapons in fright, "Phoebe- slowly move away from the creature."

Straight away, I aimed two guns at them. Safety off, I was ready to shoot at any suspicious behaviour.

No one should know that name.

Hey hey there!

So I imagine Phoebe to be Hanna from the Hanna show, but you're free to imagine her however you like. You might've noticed the difference in 13 and thirteen and I'll tell you that it plays a small role you'll have to work out yourself. I'm also terrible at writing dialogue so idk tell me if it's ooc.

Cya! Xoxo

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