Chapter 6

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While shopping with Ruth a couple of days ago, you had picked out some other items as well, knowing that you might need them in the future. And you were so grateful you had. You really didn't think jeans and one of your favorite band t-shirts would be appropriate. Ruth had great taste and had piled clothes up on the counter for you to take home.

Including this beautiful black dress that you were currently struggling to zip up. It was knee-length, with a high neckline. It fit snug around your chest, but slightly flared at the hips. You had paired it with your only thing left from your Mom, her sapphire necklace and earring set.

Frustrated, you left the zipper down, picking up your purse and slipping on your black flats. No way were you going to spend the evening in heels.

Jensen was sitting on his couch, scrolling through his phone when you came down the stairs. Without looking at you, he placed his phone in his pocket and stood up. "Ready?" He asked.

"Not yet," you answered. "I just need a little help with the zipper."

Finally, he glanced over at you, his jaw clenching slightly as he made no move forward. "I hope this dress is okay. I wasn't sure...,"

"It will do," he answered gruffly, moving around you. His fingers were warm against your skin as he slowly drew the metal zipper up. Your breath caught with the feel of his skin against yours, and you quickly chastised yourself.

"It's strictly business," you repeated over and over again in your head. However, his hand lingered before he brushed the top of your dress.

"There, um," he cleared his throat. "All ready to go."

He brushed past you, his cologne wafting past your lips. Musky, with the scent of fresh pine trees. It was refreshing and alluring. He held the door to the garage open for you, and you finally got a good look at his outfit. He was wearing form-fitting dark jeans that accentuated his thighs and hips. A simple black button-down pulled tight across his shoulders. "You look nice," You told him, passing by to head to the passenger side of his car.

"Thanks," he answered gruffly, your comment throwing him off-kilter. "So do you."

You had already learned that it was a twenty-minute car ride to his brewery, and he talked the entire drive over while you tried to catch glimpses of the scenery. He talked a lot about his family. Of his parents. He had a smile on his face, his love for his parents obvious.

"Y/N, I know this is a lot to put on you," he started to say just as he pulled into the parking lot of his brewery. "I don't expect you to get everyone's names right, or anything like that. But I do need you to pretend you're madly in love with me, and I'll do my best also. I know it's a lot to ask, but I know I couldn't have asked anyone better."

"I promise I'll do my best," you assured him, climbing out of the car to view the impressive set up in front of you. "And please, let me know if I'm not doing it right."

"Ready to get proposed to?" He chuckled, holding his hand out, and you took it, your heart racing.

Only a couple of workers were in the brewery, getting tables set up, food placed in the warmers. Picnic booths were set up along the porch while tall bar tables filled the lobby. "Nice," you said, mainly to yourself. Old fashioned lights were strung up along the heavy beams, casting a nice glow. A stage was on the far side, a bar across from it. It was beautifully decorated, a place you could find yourself spending a lot of time.

"It is, isn't it?" Jensen answered proudly. "It's been a lot of work, but it's come along nicely."

"I bet it see's a lot of business," you continued. "I'd love to come here with friends. To sit on that porch and drink a beer with the warm Texas breeze blowing around us. You serve food?"

His hand rested proudly on the heavy wooden countertop. "Not in here. But we have food trucks that park out front. That way we can work with other local, small businesses as well."

It was a great idea. For a second you let yourself imagine coming here during the evenings, helping serve beer and talk to the customers. It felt like a place you could belong. "I think it's a great idea," you answered softly.

"Come," he insisted. "People will be arriving soon, and there are still things to be done."

You followed him around, listening as he talked to the workers, seeing a new side to Jensen. Sure, you were used to seeing him as Dean, the character he played, but here? He was kind, but firm, and knew exactly what he wanted. He was lit up with a passion, and you could tell he loved this place dearly. It was fun, watching him as he moved around, getting things ready for the proposal dinner.

That had your smile faltering. So much weighed on tonight. His family not only had to like you, but they had to believe you had secretly been dating Jensen for quite some time. That you were madly in love. And while you admired the man, and were definitely attracted, it seemed a little too much.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, noticing the frown on your face. "If you don't want to put out the flower displays, that's okay."

He was so nice, it made you feel even worse about this evening. "Are you sure you want to go through with it?" You asked him. "It's not too late to back out. Your family doesn't know I'm here, and...,"

"Y/N, everything's going to be okay," he assured you, reaching out and grasping your arms, trying to comfort you.

But you couldn't get the nagging thought out of your head that everything wasn't going to be okay. "But you're you! And I'm..well, who's to say they won't take one look at me, and realize this is all a scam! I'm not a good actress, and this is huge!"

"We all get cold feet," he tried again. "But it will be fine. My family will love you, and they'll just be so happy that I brought a girl home. It's been so long, and well, that was a train wreck. They're going to be thrilled. It will all work out, I promise."

You took a deep breath. And before Jensen could assure you any more, the door was pushed open, and an older lady made her way inside. "Jensen! Come give your Mom a hug. It's been weeks!"

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