Chapter 1

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You had no idea why you were being called into the producer's office. Nervously smoothing down your t-shirt, you ransacked your brain, trying to figure out what you could have done wrong. Sure there was the spilling of the coffee yesterday, and running into Jensen the day before. But you were sure you were doing well after being on set for almost a month now.

Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the door, your heart plummeting when you saw the producer and Jensen inside, laughing at something, seeming totally at ease.

"Y/N!" Jim boomed, a huge smile on his face as he came around the desk. Patting you heavily on the shoulder, he guided you to the chair beside Jensen's. "Always great to see your smile."

Your smile was wavering, full of nerves, but you still tried to keep it pasted on your face. "Thank you...sir."

"Sir?" He chuckled. "Can you believe this girl Jensen?"

Jensen glanced over at you, all laughter was gone from his face. In it's place was annoyance, and almost disdain. A look you had never seen from him before, and you scooted back in your chair, trying to get away from it. "Yeah, she's something."

The office was large and spacious. Framed prints of Supernatural filled the walls, awards placed proudly behind Jim. The desk was dark and masculine, matching the man sitting behind it. "I bet you're wondering why we called you in here."

You nodded, not trusting your voice to talk. You had been wondering that exact thing since last night when you had received the email. It had left you with a sleepless night. That, with too much coffee, had your hands shaking in your lap.

"You see, Jensen here is quite the catch," Jim started off slowly, leaning back in his chair, his hands clasped loosely over his protruding belly. "He's been deemed one of Hollywood's hottest bachelors more than once."

"Okay," You whispered, wondering where the heck he was going with this.

Jensen took over, turning slightly in his chair. "You see, the attention can be...too much. Especially when I work a full week here, then head home to Texas to help run my brewery."

"You have a brewery?" You hadn't known that. But it shouldn't have surprised you. He was a very talented man and was wealthy enough to dabble in whatever he wanted.

"Yes," he sighed. "And as much as I enjoy the bachelor life, the women throwing themselves at me has gotten...,"

"Out of hand," Jim finished for Jensen, leaning forward. "And that's where you come in."

Your eyes widened, your mouth parting in a silent oh. You still had no idea why you were here. "We needed somebody, a woman, to step in and pretend to be Jensen's fiance. It would help his public image. Along with that, it would hopefully put a stop to those showing up at his house...naked."


Jensen nodded. "I have this image I'm trying to keep. And it's hard without...,"

"A woman to share it with," Jim finished for him. "Sure, he's had relationships, but...,"

Jensen rolled his eyes before reaching out and grasping your hand, surprising you. "I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I just want to be able to go to work, then head back down to Texas and run my brewery without the media and fans ruining it."

"How can I help?" You asked, wondering how a production assistant could help Jensen out.

Jim and Jensen glanced at each other, and you had a feeling you weren't going to like what was going to be said. "We want you to pretend to be Jensen's fiancee."

Your mouth dropped open. You couldn't help it. In your wildest dreams, you had never imagined this is what they would have asked of you. "Fiancee?"

Jensen shook his head, yes, and you could see him wondering if they picked the wrong person. "Yes, you would pretend to be engaged to me."

"Why?" You blurted out. "Why me? Why the pretending?"

"As we've explained," Jim started slowly. "Jensen needs normalcy in his life. The media would go wild if he knew he was settling down with a woman. They've been trying to pair him up for years."

"And as for you," Jensen continued. "You're somebody I see daily. You're on the locked set with me. It could make sense that we met here and...,"

"Fell in love," Jim finished for him. "I know this all sounds a little crazy, but it's done all the time in showbiz. Hire someone to act like a fiancee, give it a couple of months then end it amicably. Listen, I'll leave you two to figure out details. But Y/N, understand this. You will be doing all of us a huge favor. And if you don't...well I'm not sure we could keep you on here at Supernatural any longer."

"That's...that's not right," you tried arguing, but he had already shut the door behind him. "He can't do that!" You exclaimed to Jensen. "Fire me because I won't be your fake..fiance."

"So you won't do it?" Jensen asked.

"I didn't...I don't...," you stuttered.

Jensen stood up and began pacing the office. "Listen, I know this is a lot to take in. And a lot to ask. But please understand, I will do everything in my power to let you keep your job if you say no. But what's the harm of doing this? You can still work here. I would have you move in with me, just for appearances. You would travel to Texas with me, help with the brewery down there. You would meet people, lots of people that could help your career move however you wanted it. And you would be doing me a huge favor."

He pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his back pocket. "There's also this as an incentive."

With shaking hands you took the slip of paper, opening it to see it was a check. A very generous check at that. And you knew exactly what you would do with that money. Money that was so desperately needed.

You stared up at Jensen, your heart racing. He was handsome, you had always thought so. With that light brown hair always styled perfectly, his strong cheekbones and dreamy emerald eyes. Not to mention his plump lips, and those legs that jeans formed to so perfectly. Pretending to be engaged to him? That didn't sound difficult at all.

But on the other hand, you would be living a lie. And you weren't an actor. How could you make it work?

But with the pleading look, he was sending your way, the words slipped from between your lips before you could stop it. "Okay. I'll do it."

The ProposalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora