Part 8

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After the proposal from Jensen, he was pulled into welcoming arms, congratulations floating through the air. You stood there at first, awkwardly watching as he was patted on the back. About ready to turn and get a drink, he surprised you when he reached out, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you against him.

"These are for you as well," he insisted, smiling so deeply down at you that for a moment you could imagine that this was real and you were actually his fiancee, not just a woman paid to pretend.

You stayed snuggled against his side, smiling wide as all the guests came up and offered their well wishes. A glass of wine was given to me, and I sipped at it, watching in awe as Jensen laughed and seemed to turn into a completely different man than I had become accustomed to. It was refreshing to see him away from his acting.

Your phone buzzed in your purse, and you pulled it out to see your brother's name on the phone. "I need to take this," you whispered to Jensen and he nodded, releasing his hold on you.

"Hurry back," he insisted, creating a whole new round of ooh's and aah's from the crowd. Wanting to roll your eyes, you made your way through the smiling crowd, stepping out into the muggy texas air. "Hey buddy, what's up?" You said as soon as you answered, knowing something had to be up for him to call you this late at night.

There were tears in his voice when he spoke up, his voice barely a whisper. "They're talking of sending me away," he whimpered. "They said I'm too much of a headache and they've heard of this military boarding school that will whip me into shape. Y/N, I don't want to go!"

The news broke your heart. You knew that your Aunt and Uncle hadn't taken in Luke because of the kindness of their heart. They had taken both of you in, quickly going through all of the tidy little nest egg your parents had saved. You had been able to skip out as soon as you turned 18, but Luke was still under their control, and broke your heart. "No, they can't. They promised," you exclaimed, a tear slipping down your cheek. "They said they'd keep you with them as long as I needed them too."

"They've changed their mind," he cried. "I'm not supposed to know, but they were talking about it at dinner tonight."

"And where were you?"

"In my room," his voice was tiny. "They said I didn't do all of my chores, so I went to bed without dinner."

You wanted nothing more than to head over and pull him away as soon as you could. But there was paperwork, and a court visit. And that all cost money, more than you had saved at the moment. "Luke, promise me you're doing everything you can to placate them."

"I am. But Y/N, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be with you," he pleaded, breaking your heart. "When?"

"Soon," you assured him, hoping it was true.

After hanging up, you leaned back against the wall, taking a deep breath, another tear slipping down your cheek. "Here I thought you would be ecstatic. AFter all, you were just proposed to. What's up?" Jensen's grandma said as she came to stand next to you.

"Just a little overwhelmed with everything," you spoke carefully, not wanting to give anything away that would ruin this facade with Jensen.

"I can see that," she handed over a tissue. "After all, you've just snagged one of the hottest bachelors in the country. But I think it's something more than that. Am I right?"

"You're right," you admitted. Jensen's grandma was just so easy to talk to, and you needed that. Even if you didn't tell her everything. "I just miss my brother."

"Aww, that's sweet. I take it he's younger," she seemed genuinely curious.

"He's ten. So sweet, so kind. He's with my aunt and uncle, but isn't very happy with it."

"And your parents?" She asked.

"Gone. Car accident. But I think I need to get back in before I'm missed. Thanks for the shoulder," you smiled at her before heading inside, hoping that you hadn't said too much. But it had been so nice to finally talk to someone.

"There you are," Jensen exclaimed as soon as you stepped back in. One glance at your face and he stopped dead in his tracks. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," you assured him. "Just a little overwhelmed by everything."

"I'm sorry." He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, the comforting touch surprising. "Just a little bit longer before we'll call it a night."

You walked in with him, immediately offered another glass of wine and you sipped it, already feeling the alcohol mix with your nerves. Much more to drink and you would come to regret it in the morning. Jensen kept you by his side, always making sure you had a fresh drink in your hand, introducing you to so many people you lost track.

Finally, you slipped away, perching at the bar, watching as he did his thing. You could hear a group of girls at the far end of the bar, trying to hush their voice but failing miserably. They were talking about you, how you didn't seem to be Jensen's type at all. You had expected the backlash, but it was still hard hearing it.

Jensen came over just as you were getting ready to stand up. "Everything okay?" He asked, and you nodded, trying to keep a smile on your face."

"Listen, I've said our goodbyes. I think it's time you and I head back to the house I think," he explained, narrowing his eyes and searching your face, making you realize that maybe you weren't doing the greatest job hiding your emotions.

"Are you sure?" You felt guilty for pulling him away from his party.

He nodded. "Yeah. I saw friends and family. Introduced you and proposed. I think that's enough for tonight. Oh and we're doing breakfast with the family tomorrow before we fly back."

His hand was low on your back as he guided you through those that remained, smiling and waving before you were outside. It was raining lightly, but you didn't mind. Jensen opened the door for you, and you slid into the car, leaning your head back against the smooth leather.

"So, what did you think?" He asked once he had the car on the highway.

"Everyone was so nice," you answered, your eyes still closed. "I loved your grandma. And I think they bought the proposal."

"You did great," he assured you. "My Mom loves you. So does my grandma. I think we've accomplished everything we needed to this weekend."

The rest of the ride was quiet, and as soon as he was parked in the garage you were out of the car, your shoes in your hands. "Goodnight," you said, ready to head up and fall face first into that soft mattress upstairs.

"Wait!" He reached out, grasping your arm and pulling you into his chest. You stared up at him, wondering what he was up to. You didn't have to wait long before his lips crashed down on yours, his body warm and tight against your own.

Moaning, you let him take control, wondering what brought this on, but not caring. You had wanted to feel his lips against yours again, and it was happening. "I shouldn't have done that," he whispered against your skin, stepping back as if you had burned him.

"It's alright," your voice was soft, your lips swollen from his overpowering kiss.

He shook his head. "No. This is strictly professional. And we need to leave it as that," he insisted before leaving you standing there in the garage, your mouth hanging slightly open.

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