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Sindi came home late again as usual and was asleep on the couch...again.

Well, that's not a surprise.

I managed to wake up 30 minutes early today knowing that this was exactly what was going to happen. I made toast for breakfast with a cup of Rooibos tea, fixed my lunch for the day and packed my bags for school. A book fell on the floor which startled Sindi out of her slumber and she looked at me while still trying to catch her breath.

"Wait, what time is it?" She asked looking for her phone.


"What, you'll be late for school"

"Don't worry about it, I'm taking the bus today," I said and grabbed my bags.

"Uhm, okay I'll pick you up later this afternoon"

"Nah it's cool I'll go with the bus, gives you time to nurse that babalas. You must've had a good time with Rori at the farmers market"

She gave me a weird look for a moment before saying, "You seem a bit off today"

"No I'm perfectly fine" I lied knowing very well that I wasn't. Yesterday's conversation with Siya really stuck with me and made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Were things really that bad between Luniko and I to the point where he couldn't even pop in and say 'hi'. I was probably overthinking it but it still didn't make sense to me.

"I'll see you later," I told Siya and left.


On the bus ride to school, I sat next to an old lady who was casually knitting a sweater for what she explained as a gift to her newborn grandson which eventually become a knitting lesson.

"Okay then using your right hand pull it through" she instructed and I did as she said. I repeated the same pattern until we reached her stop and she had to leave.

"You must do well at school neh? You must pass and get those distinctions. And make sure you practice " she said

"Will do Gogo" I replied and I waved goodbye at her and she gave me a cappuccino sweet before leaving.

Wow, I've already learnt a new skill.

I think this is what I loved so much about going on the bus. You would meet different people from different backgrounds and you would learn so much about them. What I loved most about my community was the fact that even though we didn't come from privileged backgrounds, we supported each other and the support I got from not just people in my street but people on the bus and taxi was just out of this world. I guess they were proud of the fact that even someone like me who came from the same place as them could be in the same uniform as the children who's families they worked for. Their support was overwhelming and was what motivated me to keep working harder.


When I had arrived at school Mak was already at our usual spot, clearly occupied with something.

"Hey," I said sitting next to him and he looked up at me from his notepad and smiled before greeting back. I grabbed the sweet the old lady gave me on the bus and opened it and as soon as I opened the wrapper Mak's eyes went wide.

"Ah, can I have one?"

" This was the only one I had"

"Why didn't you get me one"

"Because I worked for mine"


He continued with the drawing he was busy with and I sat next to him trying to make out as to what it was. Once he finally finished he gave the drawing to me and packed his stuff.

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