Author's Note

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Wow...what a journey this has been. I'm so emotional right now. I can't begin to express my gratitude.

Writing this book really wasn't easy. But it amazes me how it started off as a small idea that began to grew into something so beautiful yet so complex. I didn't think I would publish this but I guess quarantine pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to take a risk. A risk that I'm so grateful for.

It really was a challenge writing this. If it wasn't writer's block it was perfectionism trying to get in my way. At some point I remember hating it so much but I forced myself to keep going and at least finish what I had started. To finish this vision that God had entrusted me with.

Throughout writing this entire book I only had one saying in mind 'All things work together for good' (Romans 8:28) and I guess that's where the concept for A Beautiful Mess came from even before the storyline had completely materialized.

This entire journey has made me discover so much about myself and has taught me how nothing comes from being in the comfort zone. It has also exposed me to God's favour which I am eternally grateful for. This was all His doing not my own and so I give Him all the credit.

Overall I'm so grateful for the support I have received from both my family and friends ,who've had to deal with my fits of frustration. Special shout out to my friend, timelineofkeo for your immense support throughout this entire book. Girl you're the best honestly😭😭❤️
And thank you to everyone who's shown love for me❤️❤️Your support means the world to me😭😭Thank You.

At this point I don't know when I'll write my next book so till we meet again✌🏽😁❤️

Khanyi M✨😘

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