chapter 25

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"IT'S MY MOTHER FUCKIN' BIRTHDAAAY- BIIIITCH" Jackie's drunken slurs spilled out as he continued to drink the wine that anti had provided everyone with previously.

Everybody drunk and laughing, everybody except for our designated driver, marvin keeps offering the driver some alcohol but sean and henrik keep telling him no.

Chase, jackie, marvin drunk off their asses. Henrik doesn't drink, he thinks it has dangerous very serious health benefits.
And sean didn't drink anything either, probably didn't want anti to feel left or or anything.

"HI HELLO~~ WELCOME TO FEMBOY HOOOOTEEEERRSSSssS~~~~~" Marvin howled, jackie laughing, trying to shush him by putting his hand over marvin's mouth. They both became a laughing mess.

"Hey, marv, do you think you could.. NOT scream- or spill that in my truck please? Thanks" anti said looking in his rear view mirror.
Marvin leaned more twords the front, his head almost touching the console that anti's arm rested on, seat belt undone.
"HEy ANtI- THINK you coULD NOT KILL anYONE- PLEASE?? MMMM-THANKS!" Anti gripped his steering wheel in frustration, trying to keep his cool, and eyes on the road.

"Also.. TRY Not to FUCK CHASE WHen we get home~"

"M-MARVIN-" Chase barked at the magician.
Anti pressed on the breaks and pulled over on the side of the road.

Everybody got silent.

"Hey marv," the demon said, not turning around, moving, or yelling.

"Try not to get fucking raped, or arrested for public intoxication."

"What?!" Anti smiled at his reaction of voice.
"Get out, the house is two miles away. Let's see if you can make it home." He said sharply.
Sean looked at him.
"Anti- he's just drunk, he doesn't actually--"

"NoNo- Sean, if someone said something
rude or offensive while they're drunk, they were too scared to say it when they're sober. Theory already tested, get out marvin."

"But how do you know he wouldn't say it to you when he's sober?"

Anti rolled his eyes. "Sean, if you have seriously lacked to notice that people are scared of me, i....." Anti sighed and trailed off, he pressed of the brakes and tapped the gas, revving the engine for a second.

"I've already made my point, get out before i fucking make you."

"Ugh, fine. Let me... Henrik move so i can get out." Marvin stepped over the seat in front of him, henrik opened the door for him and he stumbled out onto the grass next the road.
The door shut, he watched the truck drive off the grass and back onto the road and drive away.

Marvin rolled his eyes and started walking.


"Anti was that necessary??"

"We'll see"

DON'T LET GO⌫ Antisepticeye X Chase BrodyWhere stories live. Discover now