chapter 22

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As the sky began to darken slowly, one by one the egos started falling asleep.
I tried not to go to fast or rev the engine, instead i just barely cruised down long county roads.

I look in my rearview mirror and see jackie and henrik asleep, i wasn't that tired.
I don't think I'm gonna drive straight home.

As two hours pass, i notice sean and marvin fall asleep, but not chase. Now, it was just me and chase, Maybe he just couldn't sleep.

I pull off into the parking lot of a hotel, i put it in park i stop for a second.

I look up in the rearview mirror to see chase looking at me in the reflection, i continue to look at him until i blink and look away.
I place my elbow on the console and put my head on my hand.

For no reason at all i just want to go walk off somewhere for a little bit, just to collect some thoughts and be alone with myself.
Fuck it, it thought as i slowly open my door and push it open.
I unhook my seatbelt and get out.

I didn't close my door, just cracked it. I didn't feel like smoking, i just wanted to sit.
I walk up to my front tire and sit down on the ground, leaning against it.

The sky was orange mixed with purple, i wish i could have one full afternoon of watching the sun go down but it only takes a few hours.
The sky was so pretty, yet it holds to much of...nothing.

Think of it, for centuries, the sky watched us from above and that's what it's going to keep doing.

When i was a kid, i used to think the sun could see me, as if it where an eye.

I love the night, i have for a very long time. It's one of those things you could never get mad at.

I brought my knees up and hugged them, placing my chin in my arm.
I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, slowly i started closing my eyes... And fell asleep.

DON'T LET GO⌫ Antisepticeye X Chase BrodyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora