Chapter 4 + His POV The Spark Of Love • Premium Bonus • Her Soft Toes

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He chose my soft and puffy toes. Taking one in his fingers, he pinched it gently, thoughtfully running a rough fingertip over it.

Mai: "That t-tickles."

Nobunaga: "I'm sure it does, but that's too bad. This part of you is mine now."

Mai: "What? The toes or the whole...ahh!" His hand moved up to my ankle, and he lifted my foot closer to his handsome, intent face. Nobunaga brought my foot to his lips and lightly kissed my pinky toe. He closed his teeth on it gently. The feeling was so intense I couldn't speak for a moment.

Nobunaga: "Ah. I chose well." Can't argue that--

He kissed the arch of my foot, his lips making a soft sound against it that I barely heard over the sound I made in response. My body hitched in response, and I grabbed the futon hard to avoid kicking Nobunaga in the teeth.

But he's just going to toy with my toes for a time because it's fun for him to wind me up and then stop. I know how these sessions of ours go. "You've grown quiet. Am I boring you?" His voice was deep, and the sound of it thrummed inside me. Nobunaga lifted the hem of my kimono. He exposed my leg clear up to the thigh, still glowing from the bath.

Mai: "Hey! Exactly how much territory are you claiming this time!"

Nobunaga: "No further than this. For now." The whole leg?! This could be bad. Very bad.  Nobunaga brought his lips to my warm skin, and I had to close my eyes at the sensation.

His tongue trailed slowly higher, pulsing against me, causing sparks of electricity to race up my body. Oh. My. Gd.  I grabbed and squeezed the futon to keep from grabbing a handful of his hair.

Nobunaga: "I'm finding my new conquest very satisfying."

Mai: "Just keep south of the border--" He nibbled on the skin just above my knee, a sensitive patch that made me writhe. Then, I glanced at his face. He looked intent, focused. Like he had when hunting that rabbit. I squeezed my legs together, halting his progress for the moment.

Nobunaga: "Are you ready to stop so soon?"

Mai: "This is just a diversion for you, isn't it? Part of the game." I was having a hard time keeping my breathing steady enough to talk.

Nobunaga: "What's strange about that? I crush all who oppose me. And the more I touch you, the more I see you threaten to fall to pieces."

Resting an arm on his knee, Nobunaga looked directly at me. There was no passion in his dark eyes, no excitement or involvement. He really just sees me as a challenge. The only one starting to doubt what this relationship was about... was me.

It was like getting splashed with cold water. Or do I believe that? Are we really just using each other for pleasure? Or is there more?  I had reached out to touch his cheek without thinking. Nobunaga stared at me, as I brushed my fingers over his face.

Nobunaga: "What is it?"

Mai: "Your eyes are always so cold, Nobunaga."

Nobunaga: "What are you talking about?" You think nothing about taking lives.  Yet he had stopped to teach those children skills that would help them survive. And when you taught me horseback riding, and we survived that encounter with the cliff, you smiled so innocently.

Mai: "The more I learn about you, the more I think I'll never understand you." Nobunaga's silence seemed to indicate he thought that was just fine. And I would think that too. You'd just be a wild, incomprehensible, frustrating, and short-lived period of my life. But I find it hard to look away from you.

Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga OdaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon